Fly Like an Eagle, or a Crazy Bumblebee

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Mikoto sat up, her head swirling with a dizzy awkwardness. "Owwww.. K-Kirito? Are you alright? Kirito?"

"MMMMFFF!! Mmmmmfff!!!" Mikoto was sitting on Kirito's head.

"Oh my gosh! Sorry!" Mikoto jumped up.

"Wow.. some landing Misaka.."said Kirito.

"Whoah.." Mikoto chuckled a bit. "You look like an elf Kazuto with a knack for trouble.

Indeed, besides the now spikey hair, Kirito's eyes were slightly more slanted and mischievous, in fact, anybody who didn't look closely enough might not have known it was Kirito thanks to the strange hairstyle, and more mischievous eyes.. but his face still looked relatively the same as his IRL self.. He wore a similar tunic to Mikoto, only this one was all black, and had long pants.

"You look like a Misakitty.." said Kirito. "Heheh...cute."

"I'm not cute!" Mikoto said, blushing. Her cat's ears twitched, seeming to reposition themselves like satalites.. her ears felt so sensitive, as if a slight touch could make her ticklish.. even her tail had a very sensitive feeling.. Mikoto never knew what it was like to have an extra appendage until now.. She twitched her tail and let it wriggle around, curiously getting used to the feeling.

Her eyesight was incredible now too.. she could see with such good vision, she was able to see way into the darkness of the forest.

"Wow.." Mikoto marveled. "Just.. wow.. So.. now what?"

"I was supposed to be sent to the Spriggan home territory.." Kirito muttered. "But somehow we all ended up here.. weird huh?"

"Yeah." said Mikoto. "Same thing happened to me with the Cait Sith Territory. Just where in ALfheim are we?"

"Hyrule?" Kirito joked. "Well.. yeah.. anyways.. the best thing to do now, is to take a look at the starting items we have so we know pretty much what we can do and what are limits are.. that should ensure that we don't absentmindedly walk into unsavory situations.."

"Okay.." Mikoto swiped right hand.. however, the options screen did not show up. "Neh?"

"Hold on.." Kirito swiped his left hand... and the options did indeed turn up..

"Oh.. I guess it's a different hand now.." Mikoto muttered as she brought her screen up ".. wait.. Kirito... hurry.. check the.."

"Already on it! Whew!" Kirito sighed with relief. "I-it's there.."

And it was, the Log Out button, was there as it was supposed to, thank goodness this wasn't SAO..

"Uhhh.. Kirito.. I have a strange issue here." said Mikoto. "I'm looking at my skill point allocations screen.. and.. it seems as if.."

"All your stats from SAO are on there?" finished Kirito. "Yeah.. I'm seeing the same thing on mine.. I've also got a full item pouch full of items that say '???'.. I think they might be my items from SAO..

"No kidding. "Mikoto mused. "Hold on.. there's one item in my pouch that's named.."

Mikoto equipped the item she saw.. and in an instant, the training sword was replaced by a long sheathed brilliant sword, with wing-like purple crossgaurds.. and the three triangle symbol called the Triforce engraved in the lower blade.

"The Master Sword?" said Kirito. "It's an item from SAO though! Why would it be named?"

Well.. it is from a very old and famous game." said Mikoto. "Maybe it's an event like when I fought the 66th floor boss.."

"Hold on.." Kirito muttered. "If all our items from SAO are in here.. then.. OH MY GOSH!"

Kirito scrolled through his item pouch frantically. "Please be here, please be here!! YES!!"

Railgun Online. Book 2, Fairy's LightUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum