Viral Railgun

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The song is the theme for Viral Railgun. ( Since the first conceptual idea of the Viros and the idea for Viral Railgun was first thought of thanks to looking at Deoxys from Pokémon, I figured this was perfect). And if you look at the image.. guess whose Accel World Avatar that's the concept drawing for! ;)

Was she dead? Mikoto couldn't tell.. all she could tell, was that she was currently wearing the same clothes that she had worn in Sword Art Online... she had on the same scarf.. armor.. faulds.. everything.. even her old Lightning Master was sheathed to her hip.

All around her.. random pieces of green glowing computerized code floated past her... to the average observer, they would have just seen ones and zeros, however, to a Level 5 Electromaster who could decipher the code, it was a sequence for limitless possibilities.. everything, from DNA to Software programs were in here.. codes for anything within and beyond imagination...

"What is this?" Mikoto muttered. "Am I full diving right now?"

Mikoto swiped both her hands, trying to open a menu of some sort, but no menu appeared. Most odd... most odd indeed.. maybe this was what death was like... then where was God? Where was heaven?

That's when a few blurps of code travelled into her ears like a whisper.

"Of course.. I'm not dead.." Mikoto said. "Er.. thanks.. whatever you are.."

The code spoke to her once more

"But I do have about half my bones in shambles.. and I will die soon.." Mikoto acknowledged ".. oh.. well crap."

Mikoto sighed. She knew Mugino was a hothead.. but she never suspected she'd be reckless enough to risk burying herself just to prove who was the stronger one.. if Mikoto hadn't let down her guard.. the best possibility was that she would have won.. she had more stamina left then Mugino that was for sure..

Though... Mikoto had to wonder where she was right now...then again.. perhaps the data telling her just that was all here... could it be?

Mikoto waved her hands around.. shifting bits of code with her esper power...until the codes put themselves together into an answer.

Supposedly, the chamber they had ended up in was one of a series of ancient graves meant to bury alien creatures called Viros. Aliens eh? Imagine that..

Mikoto continued to piece together the data.. apparently, Viros were a lot like programs that could materialize physically, their very genetic information being computerized electrons and code. The crystal, was actually the corpse of the dead Viros.. whose body crystalized and rooted itself to the grave.. the data surrounding her.. was the Viros's DNA.. Data Nucleic Acid..

Mikoto groaned.. rubbing her head.. the data she was reading made her feel like she was overloading her mind.. all of it.. multiple 1s and 0s were speeding through her mind at a million miles per hour.. this wasn't the kind of data that was MEANT for humans or espers to read... if she wasn't careful.. she'd probably kill herself... not that it mattered.. she was about to die wasn't she?

"Sorry Kirito.. I thought I could keep my promise.. I really did.." Mikoto said. "Now look at me.. stuck in some.. er.. something or other.. about to die..."

Mikoto wiped a tear from her eye and drew her sword.. she stabbed it into the invisible floor, as if she were marking new territory..  the random green data energy just swirled around for a minute.. however... after a few moments.. the data began to swirl around her body.

"Wait... what are you doing!?" Mikoto said. "Wh-what!? WAIT!!!"

Mikoto let out a short cry as she was obscured my green energy that wrapped around her like a web of data... merging with her... absorbing her..

Railgun Online. Book 2, Fairy's LightWhere stories live. Discover now