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"Have you ever wondered what it's like to have a penis?" Rae said, turning towards me

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"Have you ever wondered what it's like to have a penis?" Rae said, turning towards me. Somehow we ended up in her bedroom after falling asleep on the rooftop. I stared at her and rubbed my temples, not completely awake." What Raeni?"

"I feel like I give off big dick energy, don't ya think?" She cackled, burying her head in the crook of my neck. I wanted to laugh but I just didn't have the energy to, especially at what time is it. I looked at her clock, nine o'clock."Sure Rae, whatever you say." She continued laughing at her antics for like five minutes before she finally cooled down.

"I think-" She started before her phone rang. "Hold on, it's my mother. Give me a second." She answered, got out the bed, and left the room, shutting the door behind her. "Hello?" I heard her say as she stood outside the door. I decided not to listen to the conversation as much as I had the urge to.

I wonder what her relationship with her mother was like. I wonder what my relationship with my mother would've been like. I don't imagine it being any different than how it was when I was younger. I know that's silly but I seriously think that it would've changed, but I can't speak on it too much, she's not here now so there's nothing to go off of.

"Hey, do you want to run out with me, I have to make a few stops," Rae asked, peeking her head back into the room. I nodded and she smiled, "You can wear any of my clothes, I know you didn't bring a spare." She closed the door and I got up and went to her closet.

When I found what I wanted to wear, I decided to take a shower. I hate being dirty, I can't go a day without showering. I used to a few years ago when the whole thing with Charlotte happened, but that was one of the habits I broke and I'm glad I did. After the shower got hot, I grabbed a rag and stepped in, letting the steam hit my body.

As relaxing as it might've been to stay in there for 45 minutes, I decided to get out and dry myself off. It only hit me then that I needed necessities to help me get ready, after wrapping my towel around myself, I peeked my head out her bedroom door. "Rae! Do you have an extra toothbrush!"

"Look in the drawer under the sink!" She yelled back. I went back to the bathroom and opened the drawer and there sat a box with my name on it. I opened it to see it filled with toothbrushes, body washes, and everything I used when I was at home. I smiled, my cheeks heating up, and closed the box. She took the time out of her day to find everything I used and put it in a box, just for me to use.

I opened the box back up and grabbed what I needed and finished getting ready. I walked back out to the bedroom, fully dressed in her clothes to see her sitting on the couch typing on her phone, "Hey, bathroom's available."

She looked up from her phone, and grinned."Oh, I used Flynn's bathroom." I nodded, standing there awkwardly waiting for anything to happen. "Are you ready to go Lia?" She asked and I gave her a thumbs up.

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"I need to stop at my mom's before we do everything else if that's alright." She said, turning down the radio. "Yeah, of course, don't need to ask me." I kissed her cheek as we pulled up to a red light. She smiled but only for a slight second before she rested her face again. Weird.

"Are you okay?" I brought my hand up and cupped her cheek, rubbing it with my thumb. Is there something wrong with her, she's been awkwardly quiet this whole time and it's not like her. "Mhm." She mumbled. The light turned green and she pressed the gas.

We ended up in Brooklyn after about an hour of driving, I'm guessing her family lives here. I loved visiting this part of New York, it's where my mother grew up, and when I was younger, my mother used to take me down here to visit my grandmother every few weeks. I never knew Rae came down here though. We pulled up in the driveway and I looked at the house.

It looked awfully familiar, but it felt like a distant thought I remember it but I don't. Weird. Rae came over and opened the car door for me and I stepped out. "Wait!" She said making me stop in my tracks in front of the house steps. "Just don't- don't take anything she does to heart, alright?" I nodded and furrowed my brows. She walked up the steps and rang the doorbell, I followed behind her.

A dark skin woman who looked identical to Rae opened the door with a scowl on her face. "What ya want and who is this?" She asked, looking me up and down."This is-"

"Hi Mrs. Harris, I'm Dahlia." I held my hand out offering a handshake to which she just stared with narrowed eyes. Luckily, Raeni prepared me on what to say, how to act, and basically just extra common courtesy I already knew. "Hm." Was all she said before reverting her eyes to Rae, "Sa ou vle, poukisa ou isit la?" (what you want, why are you here?)

I looked at Rae to see her scratching her neck, "Mama you called me here to help find your good dinnerware for the special dinner on Thanksgiving."

"Oh! That is right, yes yes, come in." She opened the door wider allowing us to come in. When I walked into the house, I looked around and smiled. The house was very inviting, it looked homey. I wouldn't be surprised if Rae grew up here. There were family portraits and photos everywhere, certificates showing off accomplishments and memoirs hung up. "Dahlia!"

"Oh yes sorry, I was just admiring the place," I looked at Mrs. Harris and smiled, " Very beautiful place you have here ma'am." She nodded, scanning me once again and heading towards the kitchen. "My father and brother aren't here right now, that's why it's so quiet. Normally football would be on the television and you could hear yelling and video game noises coming from upstairs." She chuckled.

"Is this where you grew up?" I asked raising a brow. She nodded, looking around taking the place in as if she was trying to determine if anything was different. "Ay! Kitchen now!" Her mother yelled before muttering something in a different language.

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