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My days recently consisted of lectures, movie nights with Flynn and procrastinating about my assignments that were soon to be due

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My days recently consisted of lectures, movie nights with Flynn and procrastinating about my assignments that were soon to be due.

I was sitting on the couch playing iMessage games with Flynn even though she was literally in the other room. These walls are so thin I could hear her cursing me out every time she missed a cup.

"YOU BITCH!" She yelled. I had just beat her in Cup Pong, again. Nobody can beat me at these sorts of games, I'm undefeated.

Flynn burst out of her room, storming towards me. My phone began to ring before she could say anything, it was my mother. I stuck my tongue out at her before picking up the call.

"Hello, dearest mother of mine. How are -"

"Why you never call me? Why must I always call you first? Have you no respect for your mama, huh?" I rolled my eyes. " Don't roll your eyes at me."

How does she do that? It's like mothers all have a tingly sense that tells them what their kids are doing when they aren't looking.

"You need to come visit."

"Why, Did you miss me?" I asked, the corners of my mouth lifting slightly.

" No. We have too much food here and we need to get rid of it. You'll need it since you can't cook." she said scoffing. Jeez, it's not like I haven't tried before, trust me I have. It just hasn't been my thing and I don't think it ever will be.

Flynn however can cook, that's one of the reasons I moved in with her, so I wouldn't have to worry about it. If only she would stop inhaling the ingredients before she got a chance to make them.

" Alright mama, would you like to me come later today?"

"Yes." And with that, she hung up the phone without wasting any time.

Flynn was still standing over me with her arms folded, waiting to say something. " What the -"

"Save it." I got up from the couch to get ready to see my mother. Sweatpants and a tank top "aren't presentable enough."

☆ ☆ ☆

(time skip bc I'm lazy)

I stood on my mother's front porch as I rang the doorbell for the 4th time. What could she be doing to take so long? She opened the door, saw me and scowled.

" What you want?"

"Mom, you called me over here to get your leftovers." I blinked repeatedly.

"Oh right. Come in." She said, stepping inside and allowing me to go in. As soon as I walked in, I saw my father sitting on the couch watching football. My brother was probably upstairs in his room, doing God knows what.

" Hey Dad," I said, not expecting a proper response. When my dad is watching football, it's recommended you don't talk to him because you're most likely going to get ignored.

I followed behind my mother in the kitchen, to see 5 big Tupperware containers sitting on the counter. Not the good ones, she would never give me those. The kind that got stained from whatever sauce the food contained.

"There you go. All for you." She said, looking me up and down.

"Rae Rae!" a voice shouted, followed by a herd of steps coming down the stairs. My mother walked into the living room.

"Hey, dork. I was gonna come up there to where you were, " I asked my brother, running my hands through his hair. "How's school? Any girls?"

"Plenty. School's been fine." He said, hugging me. I'm glad he decided to have mercy on me by not being annoying.

We had a short conversation about our school lives, him telling me he had all A's, obviously lying and me telling him I was passing all my classes, obviously lying. Like sister, like brother.

"Jay, go upstairs. Let me talk to Raeni." Our mother said, coming back into the kitchen. Jay left after attempting to protest but stopped after our mother narrowed her eyes at him.

"What did you want to talk to me ab-"

"You have boyfriend yet?" She asked, cutting straight to the chase. I mentally flinched every time she asked that question. She doesn't know I like women and I have no intention of telling her either. I'd rather keep the very little relationship we have.

"Um, no mama I don't. I'm trying my best to focus on school, I hardly have time for dating." That was a lie, a complete one at that. I have PLENTY of time, I don't even do my work half of the time. Plus I knew it would satisfy her, haitian parents' main focus is education.

They weren't fond of the idea of me becoming a psychologist instead of a doctor or a surgeon but as soon as they researched and found out how it paid they were all over the idea. Encouraging it even.

"Hm." That was all she said, something tells me that she didn't believe me but as long as she doesn't bring it up again I really couldn't care less. Or is it could care less? I don't know.

"That's my girl. Getting that education." My father said walking into the kitchen and grabbing a can of Coke out of the fridge.

I looked at the clock above the fridge to see that it was 7 o'clock and I needed to study for exams that were coming up. Grabbing the overfilled, stained tupperware I kiss my father on the cheek. "Bye Dad. See you soon, yes?"

"Of course." He said, sipping his coke.

Mama ended me walking me to the door to make sure I didn't drop the tupperware. I carefully walked down the steps and quickly to my car. I opened the passenger's door with one hand, carefully balancing the food. Placing the food in the passenger's seat, I look back to the front door to see it closed.

I frowned. Damn, not even a goodbye? I should be used to it by now but it still hurt.

I got in the driver's seat, pulling out of the driveway of my childhood home.

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