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I love Halloween

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I love Halloween. October 31st is one of my favorite days of the year. The fall spirit, the decorations, the creativity in the costumes. Everything about it makes me happy.

My shift ended early at work, I spent most of my day reading with Al as planned. There were almost no customers today which was understandable since it was Halloween. I offered to stay with him a little longer but he wouldn't allow me. Now, I'm standing outside the store waiting for Raeni to pick me up. She's 10 minutes late, what did I expect?

As if it was on cue, Raeni pulled up in her Toyota and honked the horn letting me know she was here. I rushed to the car, got in and quickly shut the door. I looked at her and flinched, Her whole face was painted orange and she had on a yellow mustache.

"Happy Halloween!" She smiled.

"What.. are you?" I asked with a frown.

"The Lorax!" She replied, smiling even wider.


"Because Flynn and I were gonna do matching costumes and as you can see that's out of the question. Ready to go?"

I stared at her in shock before responding, "Sure, can we stop at the store first? I need to grab a few things."

She nodded and started the engine again.

☆ ☆ ☆

We arrived at Whole Foods not long after that. I grabbed a cart before Raeni left off to get whatever she wanted. I headed to the dairy section to grab milk, eggs and other things.

I was planning on making some of my mother and I's annual Halloween cookies that we made every year. When I was 8, we tried so many cookie recipes, but none of them ever came out how we wanted so we decided to just make our own and it was perfect.

When she passed, My father and I continued the tradition in honor of her. I missed her so much, and only have so much to remind me of her, I wish she didn't leave so soon.

"Daddy stop!" I giggled, covering my flour-covered face with my hands. "Please, it tickles!"

"The flour monster's gonna getcha!
Mwahahaha!" He began to chase me around me kitchen island, making monster noises.

I squealed, running to hide behind the couch in the living room. I began to giggle quietly but hushed myself as I heard my father's footsteps.

"Where have you gone little one huh?" He began searching the living room."Are you here?" He opened the curtains to be met with emptiness.

"Are you here?" He opened the closet door.
Some of the flour got into my nose causing me to sneeze. Shoot.

"Ah ha! There you are!" He leaned over the couch and smiled widely. "Now I can eat ya!"

I felt myself getting picked up and I began to laugh "No Daddy, please! Eat the cookies, not me!"

He swung me around the room like an airplane soaring in the sky but came to a stop when we reached the fireplace, where all the family photos sat. I looked at all the photos smiling but it faded as I reached the photo of me and my mommy sitting on the swings, I placed my hand on the Tabano tattoo that sat on her thigh and sniffled. It meant so much to her, she wouldn't stop talking about it.

She used to say it gave her strength and encouraged her to work hard for the things she wanted in life.

"You know, your mother loved you so much mija. You meant the world to her.." He kissed my cheek.

"I know. I miss mommy." Tears started streaming down my cheeks. This was my 2nd Halloween without her.

"I know love. Mommy misses you too and she wants you to never ever forget it."


I smiled at the memories before grabbing what I needed and going to find Rae. After scanning every aisle, she was nowhere to be found. I decided to go to checkout when I found her laughing with a girl towards the front of the store.

I approached her with a smile. "Hey, I'm getting ready to check out. Did you get what you wanted?"

The girl she was talking to turned around and I felt everything inside me stop. I froze, almost dropping my basket full of ingredients.

Raeni walked up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, you alright? You don't look good." She looked at me with eyes full of worry.

"We need to leave." That was all I said.

"Hello, Dahlia. How have you been? " Charlotte spoke.

"You two know each other?" Raeni said, looking between us two.

"A little too well, wouldn't you say so Dahlia?" She asked with a smirk. If I knew anything too well, it would be the smirk she had on her face. The conniving, manipulative, taunting behaviour that hid behind it.

I swallowed, grabbing Raeni's hand and interlocking our fingers. My hands were sweaty against hers but I didn't care, I needed to get out of there as soon as possible.

"It was nice seeing you but we need to leave. Happy Halloween." I said placing my basket on the nearby table and pulling Raeni out of the store.

"Wait -"

I got in the car and shut the door, taking a few deep breaths attempting to calm myself down. I wasn't ready. I thought I was but I wasn't. I wasn't ready to look her in the eyes and be able to keep my composure. I thought I got better.

"Dahlia! Jeez, are you okay? What was all that about?" She asked, frantically searching my face.

"Please, just drive."

"What do-"
"Just drive!"

Raeni immediately started the car, putting it into drive and pulling out of the parking lot.

This was the last thing I needed today, I don't even have the energy to go to another grocery store.

Why did she have to ruin things? I was doing so well, my life was finally starting to get back to regain its stability, or at least I thought it was.

We arrived back home, I went straight to my room without saying a word to Raeni.

☆ ☆ ☆

Raeni texted me 30 times in the past hour, asking if I was alright and if she did anything wrong. I ignored her, I needed to be alone right now. I felt bad for raising my voice at her though, it wasn't necessary.

How could everything turn left so quickly? I had my day all planned out, it was supposed to be special and now everything was ruined. Am I being too dramatic? Am I ruining my own Halloween? I shouldn't let Charlotte's presence have such an impact on me, it's been 3 years.

I sighed, shutting my phone off, placing it beside me. I wanted a nice glass of wine but I didn't feel like leaving my room and facing Raeni. Leaning over my bed, I pulled the bottom drawer of my nightstand open to reveal my overly organized snack drawer.

Grabbing what I wanted, leaned back into my bed and started to stuff my mouth with junk as I drowned in my thoughts.

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