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It was a week before Halloween

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It was a week before Halloween. Gabby, Xavier and I sat in my apartment, trying to decide on a Halloween costume. It was 10 pm and we had been watching movies and eating all day.

"Powerpuff girls!"


" The Heathers!"

"Too basic."

" Rock paper scissors!"


Gabby growled at Xavier before folding her arms and turning her head towards me. " Dahlia, what do you think we should be?"

"Honestly... I don't think I'm gonna dress up this year. Me and Al are going to eat cookies and read scary stories." I smiled excitedly. Now THAT is an ideal Halloween.

"Nerd," Gabby muttered under her breath. "Well at least now me and you can do a couples costume!" She wrapped her arms around Xavier smothering her face with kisses.


My phone began to ring and a 0.5 photo of Raeni appeared on screen. I laughed and excused myself, heading into my room.


"Dahlia! My sweet sweet Dahlia! How have you been?" She slurred over her words. Is she drunk?

"I-I've been good what about you?" I looked at the screen in confusion. Her camera wasn't steady


"Raeni are you drunk?"

"Not reallyyyyy just a littleeeee tinyyyy bit." She made an amount on her fingers of how drunk she was.

" Jesus Raeni. Share your location, I'm coming to get you." I don't know how but I'm gonna find a way. I hope she's okay, I didn't think she was the type to get this drunk.

"You said you're coming for me? Gudd girl" She purred into the phone and I felt everything inside me go limp. What in the -

"No, I said I'm - just send me your location alright?!" I spoke loudly so she could hear me and hung up. I walked back to the living room to see Gabby and Xavier swallowing each other's faces.

"Christ, could you two get a room?" I gagged. What is wrong with everyone today?

"Well, we had one before you came back in here." Gabby rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry. Is this not MY apartment?" I paused, taking a deep breath. The last thing I need is to be pissed off right now. " May I please drive your car to go pick up Raeni, she's drunk and I don't feel comfortable with her driving."

"Fine, but we're coming with."

We all got in Gabby's car and I put the location Raeni sent me into the GPS. I couldn't help but be worried sick. I hope Raeni is alright, I didn't get a good look at her face so I don't know of her physical condition but based on what she said on the phone told me she was wasted.

We arrived at some underground joint but luckily we didn't have to go in because some guys and Raeni were standing around outside. I paused to get a better look and saw that one guy was gripping Raeni inappropriately in places that did NOT need to be gripped. She had a look of discomfort on her face as she tried pushing his hands off of her.

"HEY! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER YOU CREEP!" I shouted, getting out of the car. Storming over to where they were, I snatched the man's hand off of her and punched him straight in the face.

"What the fuck is your problem!?" He shouted, covering his eyes. "She wanted it! Tell her baby.." He started to touch Raeni again.


That made me even more enraged. I kicked him in the groin, causing him to fall over. When he did, I got on top of him and punched him like crazy. "Dahlia!" A muffled voice called out. I ignored it, scratching his face and pulling at his hair to rip it out. "Dahlia!" The voice became closer and arms wrapped around me pulling me back. I looked back to see it was Gabby, looking at me.

The other men were nowhere to be seen. A bunch of pussies, that's what they are.

I looked over at Raeni to see her standing over the guy in shock she looked back up at me and came over and wrapped her arms around me, "Damn girl, remind me to never get on your bad side." She laughed but it came out slurred.

"Should we call the police?" Xavier asked. I didn't even notice she got out of the car.

" I think we should focus on getting Raeni home first," I said, grabbing her arms and pulling her towards the car. Xavier helped me with Raeni while Gabby opened the car door. We got her into the car before getting in ourselves.

"Back to your apartment?" Gabby asked, pulling out of the place. Xavier was already dialing 911. I nodded my hair and laid Raeni's head on my shoulder, running my hands through her hair. She began to say something but I shushed her. There's no way she got this drunk willingly, something must've happened. I won't ask her about it tonight, she needs to rest.

We made it to my apartment, this time Gabby helped me place Raeni in my bed. I wouldn't put her on a couch in the position she's in. I want her to be as comfortable as possible. I went to the bathroom and grabbed the trashcan to place by my bed.

"Do you want us to stay and help, because we can," Gabby asked, rubbing my arm reassuringly.
"No thank you, go enjoy the rest of your night. I got this." I said with a small smile.

"Sure?" Xavier asked.

"Positive," I said, laying a thick, soft blanket on top of Raeni. We said our goodbyes and they left, locking the door behind them. I stroked Raeni's hair once more before grabbing a Pomegranate candle and lighting it. Pomegranate is her favourite scent.

I dimmed the lights and went into the kitchen to prepare a care tray for when she woke up. Grabbing two cold water bottles from the fridge, I placed them on the tray. I grabbed some saltines along with pretzels placing them on the tray too. There were also 2 painkillers, wrapped into a napkin and ginger ale on the tray as well.

The sound of feet shuffling startled me but I calmed down when I realized it was Raeni. Followed by it was the sound of gagging and sobbing. Immediately, I ran into the bathroom to comfort her. She was bent over the toilet, her hair covering her face. Pulling it up, I rubbed her back. "That's right love, get it all out."

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean t-"

"Sh Sh Sh, I know you didn't mean to. I know it was an accident."

She opened to mouth to say something but throw-up came out instead. We sat like that for 10 minutes. It was like the girl hadn't thrown up in years, she had so much to get out. How much did she drink?

"Do you feel like getting in the bath tonight or are you too tired?" I asked.

"Too tired." She murmured.

"That's fine love, come on. Let's get you to bed."

She moaned softly in response, her eyes already closed.

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