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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (141)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (141)
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  The few left behind not only provided Han Qingxia with a power user, but also had many other additional attributes.

  Lin Shuang, Zhao Pu, and others are all employees of pharmaceutical companies, and three of them are medical graduates, which directly makes up for the lack of medical staff on her side!

  Han Qingxia was very satisfied with the group of people he took in.

  She asked Wang Youmin to take them to get familiar with life at the Midsummer Base.

  Here, she went to find Professor Wang.

  "Come on, I've brought everything back for you."

  Professor Wang:"!!!"

  Half an hour later, Han Qingxia brought back all the materials from Professor Wang's research institute.

  When Professor Wang and others saw the materials of their research institute, they felt like they were in another world!

  They can still see their own equipment and their own research during their lifetime!

  They had long thought that they would never encounter their own field again in this life.

  Han Qingxia not only gave them life, but also gave them dignity and lifelong pursuit!

  Everyone was moved to tears.

  Han Qingxia not only brought computer equipment, but also many raw materials that they had previously stored.

  This is just enough for them to build a polymer greenhouse.

  "Miss Lord! We will get the polymer greenhouse out for you as soon as possible!"

  "Well, as soon as possible."

  A cold snap is coming.


  Three days passed by.

  K1 base.

  After two days of trekking and one day of confinement inspection, a man and woman finally lined up and were about to enter their K1 base!

  "We are finally entering the K1 base!"

  "There are so many people at K1 base! It's so formal! Look, there are really soldiers there!"

  "It's much more formal than that midsummer base!"

  The young man and woman were extremely excited.

  At this time, a man in a gray shirt and glasses behind them said, "What is the Midsummer Base you are talking about? Why haven't I heard of that base?"

  The girl turned her head and looked at the man who had cut in the queue for them and was the only one who was friendly and enthusiastic to them. She said, "The Midsummer Base is the base we came to before. The people from their base rescued us from the city. Many of our companions stayed behind. There, but we want to come to the K1 base because her base is small and there is still a lot of work to do."

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