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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts with Millions of Hoardings_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (134)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (134)
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  After Xu Shaoyang's car drove in, she quickly lowered the gate.


  Twenty or thirty zombies were all blocking the gate.




  These zombies, who had been hungry for a long time, all stretched out their hands, with hunger written all over their gray and withered faces. They opened their bloody mouths and grabbed the big iron door with a howl, holding it until it was shaking .

  "Shao Yang, let's fight quickly!" Han Qingxia glanced at the stopped zombies, turned around and headed straight for the research building.

  There is no need to kill these zombies, because there is no way to kill them all!

  Behind them are a steady stream of zombies surrounding them.

  She just needs to take advantage of the big iron gate to move everything out of the research building!

  Chapter 108 Meeting Qin Ke again

  Han Qingxia went straight to the research laboratory building. In front of him was an access control that required a card or password. Han Qingxia entered a series of numbers on the access control.

  With a beep, the door opened.

  She rushed inside with Xu Shaoyang at full speed.

  The great thing is that all the information Professor Wang gave her was very accurate and effective.

  He told her that the office building had a total of six floors. The first to fourth floors were research rooms with various instruments, and the fifth and sixth floors were offices and archives. He told her the passwords for all the rooms.

  In addition, in the office building, in addition to one security guard, there should be no more than three people working overtime.

  Those three are all studying data in the research room in Room 103 on the first floor. He guarantees that there will be no one in other rooms!

  After Han Qingxia rushed in, he only saw three zombies wandering in room 103!

  All the other rooms are empty!

  This was not the time when I went to get something with Wang Mengwei and was cheated the whole time.

  This is what reliable action should be!

  Can accurately determine how many people are in which room!

  All actions and steps are planned as clearly as possible, even down to the minutes and seconds to complete those steps, and how long it will take to complete them!

  Han Qingxia's initial planning time was not to exceed half an hour!

  Because that big iron door can last up to half an hour!

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