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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (138)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (138)
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  In this way, these zombies stepped on the zombie bridge built by their companions one after another, and chased Han Qingxia with wailing noises, like a stick dipped in sugar, attracting all the ants.

  Seeing this scene, Han Qingxia no longer cared about arguing with Qin Ke. She used both hands and feet to speed up and climb towards the opposite side.

  Just as she was climbing at full speed, Qin Ke's long voice came from behind her, "Captain Beauty, your rope looks quite strong."

  "Nonsense! If it doesn't bear fruit, you have to pray for me to bear fruit!"

  "But, is this interface strong?"

  After his words fell, Han Qingxia felt a tremor coming from the zipline, and then she felt the power in her hand being taken away.

  The whole person and a piece of rootless duckweed fell rapidly from the height of six stories.

  In the building opposite, the end of the zipline that was pressed down by a large number of zombies collapsed.

  The fixed end was originally a weak gypsum board wall, which could not bear the weight of dozens of people. After a large number of zombies pressed on it, the zipline did not break, but the fixed gypsum board broke!

  Han Qingxia doing free fall at high altitude: "..."

  All she wanted to do was scolded her.

  Is Qin Ke a licensed Sangmen star? !

  She continued to fall from high altitude, and the zombies at the end also fell like rainy dumplings.

  From a height of six stories, it only takes a little over two seconds for a person to fall.

  The speed of falling will get faster and faster, faster and faster!

  Han Qingxia reacted in a few tenths of a second. The hand holding the wire quickly wrapped several times around it.

  The cable pulled away quickly.


  The strong friction caused sparks to appear all the way in her palms, and she could feel a burning sensation through the protective gloves.


  Can't let go!

  Never let go!

  She fell rapidly.

  Fifth floor!

  Fourth floor!

  Third floor!

  Second floor!


  Halfway through the first floor, Han Qingxia stopped.

  Her hands were tightly entangled with the steel cable, and her whole body was like a spider that had spun out its silk, hovering in mid-air.

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