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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts with Millions of Hoardings_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (120)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (120)
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  "Please answer my question!" Han Qingxia stood up and looked at him with burning eyes, "Have you, Hope Base, ever killed a zombie! One! Any one counts!"

  Qi Sang's thin lips pursed into a thin line, unable to say a word.

  Of course they didn't kill any zombies.

  Killing zombies is not something so dangerous as theirs!

  Han Qingxia sneered, "Well, I still remember Xiao Qi, you told me yesterday that it doesn't count if others do the work for you, and it doesn't count if you don't contribute. But I am different from you . I am very Tolerance, I'll give you another chance."

  "Ask the people at the scene, which team is willing to come out and kill for you! If someone says that they have done it for you, I will count it as a contribution to you!"

  Han Qingxia's words made Qi Sang feel like a public execution, giving back to himself what he did to Han Qingxia yesterday.

  She is really 'tolerant'!

  However, he and the people at Hope Base still looked around.

  But it was obvious that unlike Han Qingxia, no one was willing to help them.

  They managed to offend everyone.

  Not to mention that during this trip, they wanted everyone to see what the base did, but he also proposed the final food distribution, cutting half of their food subsidy to Han Qingxia.

  Let them change from 0.50% to 0.25%. This is what he said!

  Now, they are willing to speak for Hope Base!

  Not to mention that speaking for him would offend Han Qingxia. They are not the K1 base that is very popular and has done a lot of credit. Why should they help him?

  "Did you see that?" Han Qingxia looked at Qi Sang with a smile, "Even if I am willing to calculate the contribution value for you, no one is willing."

  "But, we brought you here!" Qi Sang clenched his fists at this time.

  "Tsk tsk tsk, let me correct you, you didn't lead us, you led them! Captain Qi, you won't automatically lose your memory, right? I was removed from your action team a long time ago. I don' t have a share in your food distribution, not even your team members. , you can't give me no benefits, and then count your contribution to the map they provided on me?"

  "Do you think you are right?"

  At Han Qingxia's words, Qi Sang clenched his fists. He walked towards Han Qingxia without saying a word. Following his footsteps, the overwhelming territory expanded.

  Take control of your powers!

  When he was about to reach Han Qingxia in his domain, there was a bang, and a Tang Dao was pressed against Qi Sang's chest.

  When Han Qingxia drew his sword, everyone behind Qi Sang took out their guns with a click and pointed them at Han Qingxia.

  Tang Jian and others, who had been watching from the side, did not wait for Lu Qiyan to speak. They took the lead in loading their guns with a click and aimed at the Hope Base in the middle.

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