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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (65)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (65)
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  The size of the crystal nucleus can roughly reach the size of a goose egg.

  The formation of second-level and third-level zombies requires factors. One is to devour the same kind.

  The second-level zombie that Xiang Han Qingxia defeated on the highway last time was most likely to eat its own kind.

  At that time, there were almost no zombies on the entire highway except at the gas station.

  In all likelihood, it was the level three zombie that brought all the other zombies there and ate them.

  The second is the evolution of superpowers.

  Zombies can also evolve superpowers!

  Once a superpower appears, the level will increase linearly.

  The strongest zombie king in the entire eastern region that Han Qingxia had ever heard of in his previous life was an eighth-level zombie with multiple powers!

  It is said that he has more than three kinds of superpowers!

  It is located at the junction of cities A, B, and C.

  Of course, she had only heard of it, but she had never seen it.

  She doesn't deserve it!

  As an ordinary person in her previous life, Han Qingxia was not worthy of going to such a high battlefield, and she was very steady and only carried out tasks that she was 100% sure of.

  She won't do any more risky tasks!

  This is also the reason why although other powerful people are strong, they cannot defeat Han Qingxia in the end.

  Han Qingxia is as steady as an old dog.

  Never joke with your own life!

  Closer to home, the zombies at this time are still mostly level one zombies.

  There are very few high-level zombies. Level 3 zombies like the one Han Qingxia killed last time are already extremely scarce.

  She looked at her more than 1,100 zombie crystal cores, exchanged a thousand of them for points, and left the remaining 100 to extract the evolutionary fluid.

  One first-level crystal core is exchanged for one hundred points, and the number of crystal core gift packages is calculated.

  "Tip - congratulations on getting one hundred and four thousand points!"

  Including the more than 30,000 points before, she almost has 140,000 points!

  Han Qingxia rubbed her excited hands, enough money!

  She immediately came to the limited time window-the integrated drone system for surveillance and attack!


  "Dip - Congratulations on getting the integrated surveillance and combat drone system!"

  In front of Han Qingxia, an extremely high-tech military equipment sat down.

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