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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (12)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (12)
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  The scolded shopping guide pursed his lips but said nothing.

  Han Qingxia heard their words and continued to move forward without paying attention.

  She has been struggling in the apocalypse for so long. She is not a brainless retard who rushes to argue with others after just a few words or is hot-headed and spends money to buy her, so that they can look good in the face.

  In the apocalypse, there is no need to slap someone in the face, just kill them.

  Chapter 8 Beat up Han Ying

  Just as Han Qingxia continued to walk forward, she suddenly caught a glimpse of two familiar figures.

  A young man walked in front of Han Qingxia accompanied by a pregnant woman.

  Aren't these the same Han Ying and his wife who were tricked by Han Qingxia?

  "Honey, calm down, you can buy whatever you want today! Just forgive me, don't be angry or you may have fetal contamination!"

  "Han Ying! You just keep lying to me! Your family doesn't even have that house! You lied to me on purpose!"

  "That set really belongs to me."

  "Then what happened to that wave of people today! The debt collectors came to your doorstep! They said the house belongs to them! Your grandma was so angry that she went to the hospital!"

  "Honey, I don't know what happened. My mother really spent 2 million to buy that house from Han Qingxia. I can transfer it as soon as I find her!"

  "That's wrong! Didn't your mother say that house still belongs to Han Qingxia? She gave it to you as a gift, so you can't add my name to it. Why is it now that your family bought it and it can still be transferred?"

  "Wife, alas, this house will be ours from now on. I am the only son in my family. From now on, anything that is not mine will belong to you! Just trust me!"

  "Han Ying! Why do you want me to believe you! You said before that it was decorated and you could move in with your bags, but there was a blank behind it, which you said was the property of your home, and now a debt collection company has come! I can see clearly that your home You are just trying to trick me! I will never want this child! I will fight him now!"

  "Wife! Wife!"

  Han Qingxia heard their conversation at a corner and couldn't help but smile.

  Wonderful, wonderful.

  It has only been ten days, but the Han family has been so wonderful, and her grandma has even been admitted to the hospital.

  But it can be even more exciting.

  She looked at Han Ying, who was already chasing his wife on the escalator, and whistled mischievously at him.

  Han Ying, who was worried, turned around when he heard the whistle and caught a glimpse of a girl leaning on the glass handrail, looking at them leisurely.

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