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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (5)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Complete] (5)
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  How did this happen!

  But they can no longer contact Han Qingxia!

  At this moment, Han Qingxia was in front of a tunnel air-raid shelter in the suburbs of Anshi.

  This air raid shelter was built in a tunnel. It was originally planned to build a highway through the mountain. However, due to lack of funds and the government's plan to reroute the tunnel, the tunnel was abandoned.

  But after the project was stopped, the government used the site as an air-raid shelter.

  "What are you doing renting a bomb shelter?"

  the agent who brought her here asked in a routine manner.

  "Start a business and grow mushrooms."

  Han Qingxia said casually.

  She only learned in her previous life that there are three types of air raid shelters.

  The first is ordinary air-raid shelters such as shopping malls in the city center, parking lots under residential buildings, and underground hospitals.

  Those are conveniently located, have comprehensive facilities, and can quickly evacuate people, but in the zombie apocalypse, they are completely useless!

  On the contrary, because there are many people gathered around, it is the fastest place to fall!

  Then there are tunnel-type air raid shelters and professional defense fortifications.

  Professional defense fortifications played a considerable role in the late apocalypse. Many large and stable bases were built based on professional defense fortifications, but Han Qingxia could not rent professional defense fortifications!

  This kind of tunnel-style air raid shelter is perfect for her!

  The location is secluded, far away from the crowd, the place is large enough, and there is a complete ventilation system and large iron doors. This is exactly what Han Qingxia needs!

  Moreover, this kind of air-raid shelter is easy to rent, and the price is very low. The air-raid shelter rented by Han Qingxia only costs 2,000 a year, and the rent starts from 20 years!

  Three years of rent paid at one time.

  For six thousand yuan, you can get this air-raid shelter that is as big as five basketball courts!

  The agent almost burst into joy when he heard Han Qingxia say that starting a business was like looking at someone who was taken advantage of. There are really too many fools out there. They just looked at the price and didn't look at how remote the location was! It will be inconvenient for her to transport her in the future!

  It's true that out of ten entrepreneurs, nine and a half are idiots!

  But he would not remind Han Qingxia that it was a good thing for someone to take over. He collected the money, signed the contract, collected the five hundred service fee, and left immediately.

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