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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (31)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (31)
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  He understood instantly at this moment.

  Damn he is a fool!

  That pretty girl is the boss they say!

  She has always been here, and the territory here is hers!

  But unfortunately, it was too late for him to regret it, as his chest was torn open by the zombies that poured in.

  "Woof woof woof!"

  "Woof woof woof!"

  Xia Tian drove all the zombies outside.

  Han Qingxia retracted the short arrow he had shot before, and at the same time came to the back of the pickup truck.

  She waved her hand and took back all the supplies behind.

  A rewarding day.

  It's all her apology from these blind bastards.

  Han Qingxia also towed the car to the side and reinforced it to block it.

  This time, no one will be able to come in.

  After she returned to her base, she took out the loot and inspected it.

  Chapter 23 Harvesting the Base Dog

  The group had a total of twenty large cardboard boxes in the back of their pickup truck.

  There are ten full boxes of instant noodles, five boxes of rice, two boxes of drinking water, one box of various meats and vegetables, and one box of gold.

  Didn't even take off the price tag!

  At first glance, it seemed that they grabbed it specially when they passed by the gold store.

  Han Qingxia was really moved when she saw this pile of gold, which was thirty or forty kilograms. This man's love for gold is really engraved in his bones.

  But they were right to bring gold. Even in the last days, the only thing with circulation value is gold.

  She sorted the supplies into her warehouse and also seized a pistol.

  It's a police model.

  It seemed that these thugs must have looted places they shouldn't have.

  Han Qingxia feels that she is really a 'good person' who eliminates harm for the people.

  After all, there are not many enthusiastic people with a sense of justice like her. When a normal person encounters this group of mobs, they will run away quickly for fear of avoiding them. Only she, in addition to bravely fighting back and repelling the enemies, also gave them a considerate gift. Got them a zombie package.

  Don't let them harm other people.

  Otherwise she could just scare them away and drive them out of her territory.

  There is no need to lure the enemy deep into the place without causing them to die.

  It's rare to find a 'good person' as bad as her, bah, so righteous.

Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss starts by hoarding millions of goods (1) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz