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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (25)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (25)
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  In the past few days, residents have been rushing out to find food.

  Either starve to death or be bitten to death. When forced into a desperate situation, zombies are no longer so scary!

  However, after this wave began, zombies in the city began to surge.

  There are really not many people who can escape unscathed from the zombie swarm.

  Nine out of ten people who go out to look for food will die!

  No joke!

  Because people's fear and inexperience of zombies in the early days made them afraid to face them directly.

  Zombies are everywhere, and they will suddenly attack you. In the process of looking for food, if you unfortunately encounter a group of zombies, it will be your meal!

  The number of new zombies in the city began to surge, and the people inside were hungry for a long time, and the zombies outside were also hungry for a long time.

  In a state of hunger, zombies began to crazily invade places where humans live.

  For example.

  "Damn it! This door of my house is really unbearable! The zombies outside the door have been screaming louder and louder these days. They pound my door every day. I have blocked everything I can! Lock it at the top every day. In the room inside, why can zombies still find me?"

  "I still have a lot of food at home. Can anyone help me? I'm willing to use my supplies in exchange!"

  Han Qingxia saw a good-looking young man coming to the rescue in the live video.

  Judging from his occupation, he is a food blogger.

  No wonder, there are a lot of food sent by advertisers at home, as well as food for review that I usually buy.

  The inventory is very impressive.

  And he usually stays at home and doesn't go out much, which makes him one of the lucky ones in the zombie crisis.

  The only bad thing is that the place he rents is a youth apartment!

  Almost everyone on his floor has mutated.

  Zombies were wandering outside his apartment all day long. After panicking for a few days, the blogger followed the advice of netizens and reinforced the door. He hid in the innermost suite and tried to isolate himself from the smell.

  But now, he can only feel the door getting louder and louder!

  It seemed like the entire building was surrounded by zombies outside his door!

  After the blogger sent a message asking for help, he quickly received a reply from a fitness instructor who lived in the same building.

  "I can save you, but you have to share half of your food with me!"

  "no problem!"

  The blogger quickly replied, "Why are you here?"

  "I live directly above you. I will put a rope at the window for you later. You grab the rope and I will pull you up!"

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