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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (67)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (67)
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  They are all a group of people who have not had enough food for a long time and are very malnourished, but underneath are a bunch of zombies like perpetual motion machines!



  A high-pitched female voice screamed, and a male zombie rushed up behind their defense line.

  He was wearing the latest model of AJ on one foot, and he had lost his beloved shoe on the other foot, leaving only the bare top of his foot, with half of the front sole gnawed away!

  His bloody legs were limping, but his speed was obviously faster than other zombies!

  After he jumped onto the high platform, he dived continuously and rushed towards the nearest woman. In the blink of an eye, he knocked the woman down. He opened his mouth with several missing teeth. When he was about to bite, a steel pipe flew away heavily. The super force blew his head off!

  "Wife!" Li Gang pulled the woman back.

  "Husband!" Wang Fang shivered in his arms, trembling all over.

  At this time, more and more zombies have climbed up.

  Their rooftop has been completely lost!

  "Stop it! Get on top of the generator!"

  Li Gang hugged his wife and climbed toward the top of the tallest super-large generator in the middle of the rooftop.

  When everyone saw it, they immediately gave up fighting and climbed up.

  By the time they all climbed to the top of the generator, the rooftop had completely collapsed.

  Zombies climbed up from the ground in large numbers and surrounded their last habitat in all directions. A steady stream of zombies rushed up from the gap where there was no resistance.

  And their generator is only two meters high and the area is very narrow. Everyone is huddled together with a group of helpless sheep, surrounded by dense zombies with no blind spots and nowhere to escape!

  The generator under my feet was even pushed to the point of collapse by the zombies!


  Really dead.

  Just when they fell into despair, a roar sounded in the silent factory.

  A powerful armored vehicle appeared in front of everyone again.

  At this moment, everyone looked straight.

  The violent armored vehicles ran over the scattered zombies and headed straight for their factory.


  The armored vehicle rushed towards the pile of zombies, directly knocking them away and flattening the pile of zombies and the mound built below.

  Immediately, the pile of zombies was swept away up the stairs.

  The zombies that were still climbing in mid-air all scattered and fell.

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