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Returner User Manual Episode 1060

Picnic (23)



"Is that you,  Kiyeon?"

for a second, ,

'I thought it was Kim Hyun-seong. shit.'

Strangely, when I turned into Lee Ki-yeon, he appeared at this exact timing. I thought that Kim Hyun-seong had come to visit without me knowing.

Although I flinched for a moment, I was quickly able to calm my racing heart without realizing it.

This is because it was natural for Elios to appear in the flow.

'There's no way Hyeonseong is coming. He's busy doing something else right now.'

It was a bit surprising that the participatory audience came in first... .

It is correct to think that Elios and Jo Hye-jin also rushed here immediately. they received help from the desert elves, and Elios, who had a clear vision of the path, walked on his own feet...

I don't know if he got help from other rangers, but the important thing is that he came here on his own.

It felt like he was aware that the situation was changing rapidly.



"Kiyeon, can you hear my voice?"

'The way they speak is really similar.'

"Kiyeon.... Kiyeon."

As the sound is heard in a very deep and low tone, I feel that the way they speak is somehow similar.

Of course, the two voices are fundamentally different. If this elf's voice is too greasy and feels like uncomfortable cheese, the crucial difference is that Kim Hyun-seong's voice has a refreshing feeling for some reason.

There were clear differences in their voices, as if they represented their personalities.

Sure enough, the figure of the guy taking a step forward was reflected in my field of vision.

As the shadows cleared, what was revealed was an elf with the tall appearance of an elf, long blonde hair, and slightly burdensome eyes. Instead of his usual insensitive expression, he was showing an expression that seemed desperate to anyone who saw it.

'24 hours before the continent's destruction, you were just an ordinary elf.'

He seemed like he would always maintain his composure, but he was famous for not revealing his feelings even when we actually met at a meeting or something... ...

" Kiyeon..."

Of course, that face is not simply due to the destruction of the continent. Because it wasn't a stage designed to just feel that.

A quiet space located in a place where we arrived after struggling through a typhoon of black rain.

This place, occupied by deep darkness, is the same as Lee Ki-yeon's heart.

I don't feel anything, I don't want to feel anything. Even emotions such as sadness or fear are not felt.

Only extreme loneliness fills this black space.

An ordinary person might not have felt it, but wasn't this guy an elf?

'It must have been this hard.'


'To this extent... It hurt, '


'I  was hiding this darkness under that bright face.'

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