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 Reverter's Manual, episode 971,

Altanus (8) 

 "The Marquis of Magic enters." 

'Yes, you can enter anywhere you like.'

 "The Empress of the Deliha Empire and the Iron Wall Knight, Leenburg enter."

You're all besties anyway. 

Yellow girl, royal girl, whatever. Everyone, come in. 

Lee Ki-young chewed up this social gathering. The impact is different from the start, right?

 A yellow girl dressed up in cumbersome ornaments and a fairly neat-looking knight entered the social hall together, but she was only a best man anyway. 

Although the atmosphere of welcoming the newcomers was created out of courtesy, after the saints of light were imprinted in the galleries,

 they were more elegant than the empress, and more than the knight.God of crisis sacrifice and resurrection, 

not because I'm more important than them. Although they seem more colorful and talented people leading the continent to anyone's eyes, the title is not everything. 

'You are a place to get to know each other.'

 There were many great people, such as the empress of the Delian Empire, the knight of the iron wall, and someone from the noble family, but they are already known to the public.

 Of course, the position of being introduced for the first time by the believers of the underground temple is the same, but this side is bound to raise questions.He was a figure. 

A wanderer, who had never heard of his name, took over the crowd, not enough to enter with Archbishop Dractaris. 

It's a dignified manner and behavior that I've never seen before.

 Everyone here is feeling the curiosity Dractaris felt. 

'This is why people need to learn.' 

You have the aristocratic etiquette, royal etiquette, and attitude as an honor guard.

 As time goes by, etiquette is Although it has changed, it is more likely that such points have caused curiosity. 

The real one recognizes the real one, and the learned bird recognizes the learned baby. Even if you seem to walk without thinking, there is a lot to be seen in the eyes of the learned baby.

 There must have been a reason why everyone treated me carefully.

 What kind of person is this? What kind of life has he lived? Who could it be?

 His attention is at least focused on me more than on the Marquis of Magic.

It's natural for people to gather. 

"Nice to meet you. Priest Lee Ki-young."

 "Yes, it's my first time meeting you." 

"If you don't mind, would you mind?" 

"Yes, of course." 

Of course, groups are formed around other people. 

"Hahaha. I see."

"Lucifer will be pleased."


But even that group is only best man.

 'When groups and groups are united, the louder side wins.'

 I'm not talking about shouting frivolously. When I see a group that looks especially harmonious and happy, it makes me want to join. Even if I try not to be conscious, my eyes automatically go to me. 

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