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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 994

You reap what you sow (1)

As I open my closed eyes I was able to confirm some people welcoming this side.

"It's the honorary cardinal."

"The Honorary Cardinal has returned."

"The operation was successful. ha ha ha it's a success!"

"Contact the main unit. Report to Jin Qing that everything went according to plan."

"Are you okay? Take a moment to check your condition..."

I had no choice but to look around involuntarily.

Most of the priests are praying with tears in their eyes. I can see the mercenaries cheering and embracing each other, and the expedition members clapping their hands.

I was distracted by the mixed voices coming from here and there, but I could definitely notice that the blue guild members were not there.

Even Kim Hyun-seong was nowhere to be seen.

I look around again and realized that I'm back in the same place I were when I first used the invitation.

The place where Kim Hyunseong used the invitation must be somewhere else. I understand that there is no... .

Wouldn't it be comfortable to think that he have reserve force on standby here in case I ever come back?

In the midst of something bewildering, what was a little strange was that my body wasn't normal.

My hands are trembling and my body is not moving. Tears keep trying to come out of my eyes.

For a moment, I could realize that I was terrified. Unidentifiable feelings keep creeping up.

It seemed like a crazy idea

'Looks like he's feeling safe.'

Ultimately, the AItanus Plan failed. but... .

They must be thinking that it is fortunate that it turned out like this and that it is fortunate that I returned safely. A strangely unpleasant feeling of relief stuck situation,


'You can't do that.'

This is anger,fuck. If it's not anger, it's likely a side effect. Because transcending time and space was physically and mentally burdensome.

Having stayed in the past for a long time, it is natural to suffer mental damage.

The fact that I couldn't think properly would be an extension of that.

"Honorary Cardinal. Are you okay?"

"here is. why am I here... ."

"It seems that Commander Jin's operation was successful."

"What the hell of operation..."

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you more. Our mission was only to receive an order to wait here..."

'Yes, shit. There's no way you guys would know.'

"Anyway, lets go to a safe place... ."

"No. I'll make a move right now."

"Huh? but."

"Now the expedition is..."

'Fuck. You fucking swindler.'

Morse code sent in the middle is also highly likely to be bluffing. It would be comfortable to think of yourself this time as a minimal device to take the initiative.

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