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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1036

tidying up (19)

Fear dominates my body rather than reasons. The jaws were clenched hard, as well as the limbs were shaking and could not move properly.

-hide. dont show a strand of hair


-Hide tightly, dont show a strand of your hair.

'this is crazy. crazy Damn... crazy.'

"The bad guy is running away! He's running away! Sora!"

'Damn it... where is Sora? damn. Damn, where is Han So-ra?" 

"There he is! excuse me! There he is! There he is!"

"It completely messed up. this...'

"There he is!"

What was discovered is not oneself.


I see Robinwood screaming and running away. He had a bow and a melee weapon, but he couldn't even think of resisting.

After that, while the killer wearing a white hat was chasing him with a dagger, I couldn't understand why she is using a dagger. I couldn't understand why the wizard was trying to catch up, and I couldn't understand the way she cried as she swung her dagger into the air.

As if she wanted to feel the taste of her hand, she crouched and ran with slow steps. It was a bizarre sight for anyone to see.

Is that what the killers in horror movies look like?

The white killer running slowly  as she wield a dagger while weeping.

Even if she run too fast and fall, or she swing the dagger in the air in place and talk crazy, it doesn't take a lot of time.

Nonetheless, the white killer grows closer to Robinwood.

"Why are you not resisting?"

That's what I want to ask too.

'Why isn't he swinging his spear?'

Literally, why didn't he pierce the defenseless white wizard's throat?

'There's no chance of winning.'

Because of fear. Robinwood, terrified like himself, could think of nothing else but to get away from it.

Despite the white killer's daggers getting closer and closer, he seemed to be able to do nothing but crouch down.

The situation on the other side is not very different.

Seon Hee-young,

A saint who was once called the saint of the outcasts.

It shows a clear difference from the previous white killer, but it was the same that gave me goosebumps.

she move cautiously with sad eyes. Repeat the act of memorizing prayers while holding the rosary.

Prayer for the soon-to-be victim.

As she reached out to one of the fleeing ones, I saw the blurry appearance of ghosts in priestly clothes behind her.


heresy... ... .

Heresy! Heresy!

Unknowingly, the ghost priests who appeared noble turned into killer demons.

Let's kill! Let's offer the heart of heresy to God.

A mace of pain for the sinner who insulted the priest of prophecy!

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