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Regression Manual Episode 965 

Altanus (2) 

"I thought no one was here... I'm , I'm sorry."



I accidentally spit out the thoughts in my head.

I didn't mumble. I pronounced it exactly Benignore, but the woman in front of me only looked this way with puzzled eyes.

 The reaction quickly made me realize that this woman's name was not Benignore.

 Benignore's appearance as I know her, as she seems to be embarrassed by breaking down the tower of books I has brought together. 

The difference is the hair color and clothes. a dress stand embroidered with white and gold, which is located in the god, always shining and glossy, has turned into a crumbly brown dirty maid's robe.

 There were dark spots on the face, and the overall appearance looks rather shabby. 

Near her nose, I could see freckles and it seemed she have lost some weight. 

The idea that Benignore was not transcendent was a common idea, but it was only her behavior.

Benignore's appearance was transcendent in anyone's eyes and very close to this elevation of the congregation. Except it looks a bit unfair.

 As such, the atmosphere between the woman in front of me and Benignore is in contrast. Nevertheless, I can't get rid of the feeling that this woman is Benignore. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

 She tries to do something about the books she broke, but turns around and breaks the tower of the book with her hips.


 She must've been surprised. Put strength on the side. Tear down the books on the side once again. 

She showed a move that she couldn't do this or that and eventually fell backwards. 

"Oh my God!" 


"Sorry! I'm sorry! Priest! I'm sorry!"

 It looked like Benignore. 

"How can I... Priest... I'll organize it for you. I'm sorry."

 'No. Don't do it. It's obvious even if you don't look. I don't see what's going to happen from now. It's a do-video...Fuck.'

"I'll... "

'Please don't do anything.' 

"Where was this book?"

 "... "

"Cough! Cough! Sorry... Coughing! Suddenly there's dust... Cough!"

 'I'm going to cough, too.' 

"Sir... Hang on. Let me get some water. Cough! Cough!"

 'Don't drink my coffee.  Shit.' 

"Phew... Thank you, persimmon. Now...I think I'm going to live."

 After the noisy parrot came a bunch of accidents. I'm afraid of the maid in front of me because I feel stupid, too.

 But there's no way I can avoid this. The first thing was to go through the confirmation process.

 "It's all right."

 "No! I- it's what I did, so I'll sort it out. priest should sit down and continues to read ···."

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