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Chapter 919: 919

– Pope Basel, your grandfather's temper is not dead. So what happened after that?

What's going to happen? I just shrugged.

The reflected face of Cardinal John lingers in memory.

In fact, it can only be explained that he and the temples faced the worst. It was as if the timing of trying to lead the templates and hit the task had been taken away.

Besides, these bastards...

'You don't know that. '

Tra n s la te d b y jpm tl.com I don't know what happened and why the monsters were targeting me, but I can't imagine what happened today happened because of the Mole's cozy sanctuary.

Of course it's true, what happened to my work, but how do I know they even know I have Bennigore's blood?

Perhaps they can come up with different interpretations.

Monsters who drank Benegor's blood may be attracted to the Honorary Cardinal, or the dungeon may have an unthinkable side effect over time, or monsters in the dungeon may run out after the impenetrable dungeon has deteriorated, but it is not uncommon.

Before they focus on the faction struggle within the Holy See, they must first resolve any irregularities in their own expectations.

– She should have been there. Seriously.

– I'm sorry I didn't. That must have been really fun. Anyway... You got almost everything you wanted?

– That's right. T r a ns la ted by jp mt l.co m

– Bringing the Blue Guild members into the Holy See, exposing the faction fighting that is happening within the Holy See... empowering Grandpa Basel.

– .......

– So you're starting to work now?

– We're not there yet, but we need to pick a few people to line up over here. I think they're also quite vigilant towards Cardinal Johann. He'll be able to afford it. You'll be too busy cleaning up loose ends. Ah! I think the public opinion is moving this way. This has got to be a big case.

– Yes... It's an unprecedented incident in which the Saint of Light was attacked during the Prayer... It's been going up and down people's mouths ever since. But are you sure you're okay with this? Hyung? If I get put here, I'll take care of the military myself... Of course, he's a good man on his own... But I've been having an awkward time with Hyunsung Kim lately, so I'm not feeling well. I swear on you all the time.

– Nothing that matters anyway. Maybe they'll take care of it. You're not that incompetent. Right now, this is more important. Because I'm trapped in here. I hope you jump on your feet....

– It's been a long time since I've been to a party, so it doesn't matter. Talking to people is my favorite thing to do. Rather, it feels like a vacation.

– I'm glad it fits.

– I don't know if you want to. You really like talking about your brother. You seemed genuinely happy during the Christian Revolution.

– He's not like that.

– Not really... ah! I'll get back to you in a minute. I think we should go now.

Let's take a look at her through the telescope. It's interesting that she's about to die.

'This sister has a strange personality. '

You know, talking back is really fun.

T r an slated b y jpm t l.co m Let's go.

– Yes, sister.

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