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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 982

Altanus (19)

what happened?

What the hell is this?

Risk of variable annihilation?

You have to explain it clearly.

I dont know if its a danger of annihilation or extinction.

Personally, it's right to judge that it's a situation where you have no choice but to focus on the former, no, it's definitely the former.

I don't know if it's someone else, but I don't think that demon summoner would have sent a message after the incident.

He's incompetent, but I don't think he'll do nothing and let things happen. It's not just turning the happy circuit.

'I'm not that incompetent.'

With that much force, without any countermeasures It is said that our Jin Qing are not incompetent enough to push them into the fire.

'Where did it get twisted?'

Where did I go wrong?

It could be that it wasn't me who was at fault. But I keep thinking about where the twist came from.

It is not known exactly, but the timing when Jin Qing sensed this abnormality was probably when Draktaris attack was in progress.

As the progress slowed down, I began to question and felt the need for insurance. So, despite the fact that Draktaris was not completed, it was reported that the next attack was proceeded. is correct.

He should have accumulated enough quests to complete the code.

'What is a variable?'

What immediately comes to mind is when Bahamut and the expedition team meet, and in other cases, when a problem arises on the Draktaris side.

'Are there any dead guild members? Did you escape after directly encountering the variable?'

The troops would have been dispersed. In order to complete the quest, you would have had to have remnants of troops in place.

If you look at it that way, it's still time to despair is not Right now, the expeditionary force has enough strength to send troops outside. Have.

I wonder if the troops were belatedly deployed after the annihilation, but as I said before, he's not incompetent enough to deal with things after they happen.

People like us always have an insurance policy or two in place.

It's ironic, but that only made me more concerned.

'If that prideful bastard would leave the burden on us... .'

All the insurance I personally had was blown away, and no matter how I look at it, it's right to see that only the last thing remains.

Asking for my help would be the worst option he could make. If possible, I wouldn't step into that option.

'What the fuck... ?

How big is the damage? What about the dead? How's the piglet doing?

is there anything i can do here? No, do you have the energy to communicate again over there?

What if you are withdrawing troops? What if you're hitting the retreat manual ASAP? Do you have the energy to accept and complete the quest?

pure white is fine If So-ra Han didn't have any problems, she'd probably be fine.

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