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Regression Manual Episode 952 

atmosphere (3) 

It is safer to keep me by your side than to leave me all alone. It was an immutable truth that anyone who had experienced Lee Ki-young had no choice but to nod. 

Leaving the honorary cardinal alone is no different from putting a hard time on the water. The world always goes to Lee Kiyoung

He,the Son of Light was constantly in danger and threatened

Because of personal desires, because of political reasons... Or just because of malice... There are many reasons. 

He was always a victim and yet a forgiving understanding person.

 Manmu, Kim Chang-ryeol, and Bae Hae-an made a big mistake once, so most bodyguards will not be enough. 

Both Kim Hyunsung and Jung Hayan are their own.

You don't think anyone else can play this big role.

 However, the two cannot stick to this side only. 

'If the continent's best wizard and prosecutor are missing, who will enter the dungeon?'

Even if it is Kim Hyun-sung, it is hard to imagine that Jung Hayan will be excluded from this kind of expedition. 

Even if Park Deok-gu, who can be used as the next best option, cannot leave his seat, or even if Park Deok-gu remains, the duo will not be able to hide their anxiety.

What this pig is good at is getting hit with his body at best. 

'Game over.' 

Let's make eye contact with everyone, one by one. It makes them think that they can never leave myself alone. 

Sure enough, Elena's firm will begins to circulate in her eyes. The same goes for Jung Hayan and Park Deok-gu. 

I tried to concentrate a little more, but I said, 

'I can't do it anymore.' 

If you continue to act like a method, you'll pay.

I feel like I'm going to get all dirty. It seems to work, so this should be enough.

 Sure enough, the atmosphere is already set. 

"The safety of the deputy guildmaster... It's the most important thing."

 "It's better to have Kiyoung in your room. If you seal it with magic...Other people won't be able to break in." 

I was worried that I might have been caught the other way, but the corners of my mouth go up at the sounds that came afterwards. 

"I can't help it, but... I, I, I...would it be better if I stay?" 

"Hayan is the centre for the dungeon attack." 


"I think I'd rather stay." 

They're trying to stay with each other. 

"If my brother is missing..." 

You may feel uncomfortable dealing with Templars. 

"That doesn't mean we can't take out the guards separately. It's a non-standard dungeon, so we'll have to make all-out efforts."

"Why don't we leave it to the church?"

"I don't allow it."

You left me to the church and there was blood once. The only option that can be agreed upon is to request a from the Red Guild. Of course, this will not be easy either. 

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