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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1022

tidying up (5)

In fact, I roughly expected that a tackle would come. It was an opportunity to win 10 million in just a few words, so it was more strange to not say anything.

Everyone must have had their own circumstances, and based on each standard, they would think that they had fought a war that crossed the line of death. It goes without saying that they want reasonable compensation or more.

'okay. Reasonable reward It's a really good story.'

This is not to say that members of the expedition do not deserve rewards.

It was true that Hyeonseong, Heera noona, and Hayan gave the final blow... .

'Who knew what would have turned out.'

It felt like it wasn't a big deal after passing by, but it wasn't once or twice that the situation was really close. A strategy that was possible because the expedition team poured everything they had.

I don't know about the other guys, but if you're Jin Qing sitting over there with a frown on his face, you'll understand what I'm talking about.

It was a successful expedition because it squeezed out the magic and stamina of not only the main names but also all the participants. As proof, some wizards' hair is partially bleached to white. Despite the fact that quite a bit of time has passed since the expedition ended, he is still suffering from the aftereffects.

It is also true that I was watching this situation with an open mind in my own way because it was natural to leave room for negotiation according to the contribution.

In the meantime, the remarks made by a guy who looked like a goby were enough to arouse irritation.

"What do you think of the current continent, Honorary Cardinal?"

'What do you think, what do you think, bastard.'


In the meantime, it doesn't look like corruption. It looks like a goby, but there is nothing wrong with its disposition and eccentricity.

'A cautious revolutionary?'

But why weren't you so careful this time? Why weren't you careful?

"I think the Honorary Cardinal will understand."

'I understand what I understand.'

"Excuse me, can I speak a little more? Please take a moment to look in the mirror of the goddess."


"Let them speak. I will give permission."

"thank you. Honorary Cardinal. Does anyone know what this graph means?"

What was reflected in my field of vision was a map of the continent. A view overlooking the kingdoms, federations, unions, republics, confederations of different tribes, and other neutral countries such as Laios and other neutral countries at a glance. map.

There is no way to know what the graph with nothing written on it means. The highest was the Reformation, then the Republic, then the Union and the Federation.

As he said earlier, it can be seen as an indicator of regional inequality. Next is a graph in which the relationship is reversed. What is written in red is probably the death rate or injury rate.

Contrary to the comparatively low mortality rates of the Catholic States and Republics, the mortality rate of the Commonwealth is very high.

I'll have to check it to see if it's real or not, but... It's most likely true.

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