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Regressor Instructio n Manual, Chapter 997

You reap what you SOW (4)

"All are scattered."

The order came quickly.

"Bahamut is coming!!!"


"Bahamut is coming!!! Ah ah ah ah ah! AA AA AA!!"

In case of emergency, the rangers have only one thing to do. If it is impossible to deal with it, you must convey as much information as possible to the main unit.

Of course, the most important thing is survival. It is clear that the command center is already aware of the current situation, and a nearby support unit must also be coming this way.

-This is Jian, the commander of the special ranger unit. We encountered Templar Simon 2 minutes ago and is currently retreating.

- Checking your location. Need more accurate information...

-It has not been confirmed properly, but it is assumed that Templar Simon turned into a spider-type monster. No, rather than turning into a monster... its more like a demon...  We are currently obtaining samples of him.

-Is field investigation impossible?

- It's impossible. As I said, all rangers are in retreat. We request that you secure an exit route.

-Has confirmed. We also found an additional unidentified catalyst.

- Please tell me the detail.

- It's a feather. Templar Simon appears to be obsessed with this feather and continues to shout the words that Bahamut is coming.

-Has confirmed.

-How long will it be before additional troops arrive?

-we have sent a ranger unit nearby. Expected to arrive in about 3 minutes...

- Ranger troops? Did you listen properly? Please hand over your troops. Ranger troops won't be of any help.

-It will take about 1 hour and 40 minutes for  assault troops to arrive...

-It'll all be gone in an hour!


If the map was in a forest or another place, there would have been hope, but being in a closed room is inevitably a disadvantage.

What you see after passing through the wide pupil is a maze-like space.

Rangers with bright eyes won't get lost in the maze, but they can't stop them from becoming their targets.

The rangers dispersed in an instant, but screams could be heard from here and there.

This is that guy's house. Whether he intended it or not, we entered the spider's web voluntarily.

'Has everyone escaped? Who was it?'

-ASAP··· can't it be as soon as possible?

- For now... We are currently looking for the fastest escape route. If you wait just a little bit more...

'damn. Work is too slow.'

I knew that one day this would happen. I've always lived with risk, so I'm not anxious or afraid of death.

The problem is the members of the unit.

'They're not the ones to die in a place like this.'

-Is there no other way?

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