Spending The Night Alone

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Shawn picks up his phone

"Hey babe."

Meaghan responds "How is Taylor?"

"She's mad at Justin. I think you should give her a few days before talking to her."

Meaghan sighed" I know I will, Can you come over after you unpack at your home?"

"Sure baby, I got you."

Shawn arrives home. Then he unpacks his clothes. Shawn's parents are excited to see him, they greeted him. Then Shawn went into his room to take a quick shower.

30 minutes later...

Shawn speaks to his parents "Mom, Dad I'll be right back."

Shawn's dad responds"Son you just got back in?"

Shawn's mom also speaks"Is everything ok?"

"everything is ok Mom and Dad. I'm going to my girlfriend's home."

Shawn's parents are surprised. Shawn's dad speaks" Well we would like to see her one day."
Shawn's mother is speechless.
Shawn kisses his mom"I'll be back."

Shawn left.

It took about two hours to get to Meaghan's place.

2 hours later.

Shawn arrived at Meaghan's location


Meaghan's mom answered

"Hi is Meaghan here?"

Meaghan's Mom shouted"Meaghan! There's a boy at the door."

Meghan's mom let me in the house. "you can have a seat she's coming now"

So I sat down waiting for Meaghan to come down, then I see her. She looks so beautiful in her pink night dress.

Meaghan speaks to her mom"Mom this is my boyfriend Shawn we met at the college."

Meaghan's mom shakes my hand"It is a pleasure meeting you. We are having dinner, would you like to join us?"

"Yes, Ma'am I would love to."

We sat down at the table while her mom set our food on the table.

Meghan's mom speaks "Hunny, where is Taylor how is she doing?"

Meaghan clears her throat"She is fine, she is home."

Meaghan's mom responded"Ok good. So Shawn tell me about yourself."

Meaghan interrupts"Mom we don't have to go into that."

"It's fine babe, Ms. Smith I am 22 years old. I attend the same military school as your daughter and I'm planning on opening up a jewelry business."

Meghan's mom responds while taking a bite of her food"That's good, my daughter is lucky to have you."

Shawn laughs "No ma'am it is I that is lucky to have her in my life. I love her."

We enjoyed our meals at the table my mom finished hers and we finished ours so we helped her clean and put away the plates.

Meghan's mom speaks to Meaghan"Hunny I'm going to bed now."

Meaghan responded"Ok Mom"

Meaghan's mother went upstairs to her room. Shawn and I went upstairs to my room.

"That wasn't so bad babe, she likes you."

Shawn smiled at me"I'm glad I met her. But we need to figure out how we are going to get you and Taylor back talking again."

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