To Have Or To Hold

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(7 am At the barbershop)
Justin Starts to cry and walks back and forth to the shop." Dad, what am I going to do? I can't just leave her there like that... What am I supposed to tell Ms. Harper!!!"
Justin's dad hugs him " I know son I know, I know... It's going to be ok son. She will make it. If Taylor told you not to say anything I think that is what you should do."
Justin still crying, pulls out the ring " I didn't... I didn't get a chance.....
Justin's dad interrupts" It's ok son, come here."
Justin burst out into tears even harder whiles holding on to his dad.

(Justin in his head)
What if something happens to her!!
What if I'll never see her again!?? I need to go to that school.. but I love her so much. I have no choice but to listen. I need my baby girl. I wanna marry her so much... If I did just marry her a long time.. she wouldn't be in this position!!!

Justin sighs while crying" Dad I can't do this!!? I can't focus...
His dad pats him on the back "We don't have to open up Cool Cuts today. We can just go home.. with you like this, can't stop crying.. we should just go home. Taylor will be fine son."
Justin sighs hard and groans "Let's go, Dad, I can't think."

Justin and his dad left Cool Cuts Barbershop.
The shop didn't open today.

Meanwhile, At the military institute.

Hilary Duff- Someone's watching over me plays

It's raining hard, thundering, and lightning.
Taylor had been up all night and she is still up. Wrapped in her blanket and drowning in her tears and sniffling.

Music Stops.

Meaghan got up out of bed and notice Taylor crying. She rushed over to Taylor's bed " What's wrong!! What happened!"
Taylor sniffles" It's everything, We can't trust anyone, other than Aaron and John.
Meaghan is confused " What!!! Who told you this? Is it that freak John who thinks he can see the future and other magical shit!"
Taylor nodded " Yes, it's him. It's true. It's from my dad."
Meaghan got up from Taylor's bed and sighs hard" I can't believe you think that idiot is telling you the truth. This is crazy do you know that!!"
Taylor interrupts" Meaghan, please. I'm not making this up. I need you to be on my side here. Please."
Meaghan rolls her eyes " Your dad has been dead for years. This needs to stop. This is crazy"
Taylor got upset. " I can't believe you..."
Meaghan responded " I just met Shawn at this campus... So I can't trust him either!!!"
Taylor slaps her forehead and wipes her tears" I don't know... I don't think so... No one we can't trust anyone I would show you proof.. but the letter only shows up when no one is around..
Meaghan scoffs" Wow.. "

The time is 8 am

Knock knock
Meaghan looked through the door hole and it was Angel. Meaghan opened it and let her in.

Meaghan folded her arms and says to Angel " Well looked what the cat dragged in!!"
Angel interrupts" I can explain"
Meaghan huffs " How could you... You went back to that son of a bitch man beater after what he did to you!! To Taylor.
Angel sighs " I'm sorry... Look I love him. He apologizes.
Taylor interrupts" So now because he said some sweet words to you he now gets into your pants and it's fuck us!!!.."
Angel sighs" I just came to get my things... I'm going back with Sammy.."
Taylor responds" You know what.. get it and get out!!! I don't ever want to see you or speak to you again...
Meaghan interrupts"Leave please.. get your things and get out."
Angel got her stuff and exit out the door.

Taylor sighs hard as she sits on her bed with her hand on her forehead. " Meaghan..."
Meaghan interrupts "Stop Taylor... I understand... We can't trust anyone. You're my best friend I should only trust you. Even if it means I can never speak to Shawn again. "
Taylor sighs and hugs Meaghan.
Meaghan responds again" What about Justin? How is he handling this?
Taylor starts to cry " I can't talk to him either and he can't come here on campus if he does they will kill him. I'm a terrible girlfriend.
Taylor sniffles" He must be so upset."
Meaghan comforts Taylor" Hey, Justin loves you he is not upset he's probably crying just like you are now. If it's going to protect him. It's the best thing to do now.."
Taylor sniffles and wipes her tears" I guess you're right."

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