(ending 1/3 of vol. 1) sliced

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Vanny's knife sliced my shoulder open, causing me to wheeze in pain. Sun immediately went and tried to take the knife away from Vanny since it was lodged into the wall next to me. As the two fought over the knife, I got up and tried to hazily limp away from them. I could hear screaming from the other room as I tried to find my way towards an exit. I saw an elevator and got in, pressing urgently the button to the main floor. As soon as the elevator doors opened to the floor, I walked out and collapsed. I could barely stay conscious from all the pain and exhaustion I felt. I just wanted to close my eyes and die. So, I did.


"Welcome back." I heard behind me.

Turning around, I saw Charlotte.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here. I was scared it would be Vanny for a second. So, when am I waking up?" I asked.

"Soon enough. I'm just here to congratulate you on surviving." She said.

"Well ofcourse I would live! I've survived every other time! Why wouldn't I this time?" I said.


"No reason." Charlotte said.

"Uh, okay." I said in confusion.

"Wake up"

I woke up.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake!" I heard a voice say.

"Wh- what? What's going on?.." I asked, opening my eyes to see Quinn beside me and doctors rushing in.

I closed my eyes in frustration at the florescent lights hurting my head. Was I in a hospital?

"Y/n is awake?!" I heard Gregory say.

Hearing Gregory's voice, I sat up and opened my eyes almost immediately.

"Gregory? You're okay?!" I said.

Before Gregory could even answer, a doctor lied me back down onto the hospital bed saying something about a serious head injury and shoulder injury that I needed to heal for. I didn't care though. Gregory was alive!

"How long have I been out for?" I ask.

"Almost four days!" Quinn said.

"I had found you in the middle of Roxy's raceway passed out! If I weren't there, you could've died!" Gregory said.

"Why were you at the pizza Plex?" I asked.

"Why were you?" Gregory asked, avoiding the question.


I didn't answer. I couldn't even remember anything from that night besides little bits of it. I don't even know why I was there. Or what happened. The doctors must've seen that Gregory's question was stressing me out, because they ushered Quinn and him out of the room.

____time skip____

Once they finally discharged me from the hospital, almost a week later, I looked through my phone to see an email from my boss saying that I was layed off work after sun was apparently damaged beyond repair. Meaning they were closing the daycare for good. I was sad, but knew it was for the better.

Going back to the pizza Plex would do me more harm than good. Atleast I can spend time with Gregory since he was fired for being at work after hours without permission. I guess this is it? My life is finally turning up? I have a family again. A loving brother, kind parents, and a not dead best friend! This is all I've ever wanted. I guess the world can be forgiving sometimes. Right?

The end

Word count: 553 words

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