old friends

365 10 1

"Miss me?" She said as she gave a hug.

"No, because I would never miss my best friend." I said, sarcasticly.

Lina gave me a dramatic gasp.

"And I thought you cared about me!" She said, dramatically, while put her hand to her head.

"Oh how I hate you!" I say to play along.

Lina laughed before giving me an other hug.

"Gregory told me you had a bad day and that I should come say hi." She said.

"Speaking of which, where is he?" She said.

"No idea. Normally he meets me here." I said.

Lina stole a slice of my pizza a took a bite before saying:

"I guess I have you all to myself!"

I laughed.

"That's if I don't pass out first." I say.

"No shit. I can carry a car in those bags." Lina said while taking an other bite of her pizza slice.

"Oh how I love my kind and gentle friend." I say, sarcastically.

Lina laughed and sat at the table with me. We talked a bit more, mostly about what we should do this weekend, and we both decided that going to the movies with Gregory would be a good idea.

Once we both finished eating, Lina followed me to get the snacks and left once we arrived at the daycare doors.

__time skip__

It was nap time and I felt like I would pass out. Moon obviously noticed this because he came to check on me.

"Are you alright, starlight? You seem tired." Moon asked.

"I only slept like 4 hours yesterday and I feel like I'm going to fall asleep any second now." I said while rubbing my temples.

"If you want, you can sleep." Moon said.

"No, I don't want to sleep on the job." I say.

"Don't worry, I'll wake you up when it's time to wake the kids up." Moon said.

Giving up, I cuddle into moon, like I used to do, and fell asleep.

__time skip__

For once I had a good dream who didn't include Mary or that Psycho Rabbit lady. Sure, I was still tired, but I was energized enough to get by for the rest of the day.

Gregory and I left the pizza Plex around 4:10 and arrived home around 4:40. I normally say hi to Quinn but she was fighting with Bill about Purrcy.

I went straight to my room to sleep but was met to a Sleeping Purrcy on my pillow. I carefully lied down on my bed and fell asleep next to Purrcy.

__dream land__

"I told you that they're crazy!" I heard a feminine voice say.

"What's your definition of crazy, exactly?"  A younger voice asked.

"Please, you are an 11 year old. You're as smart as a tomato." The older voice said.

Then, I realized that the voices belonged to Mary and that rabbit lady.

"Mary?" I called out, stupidily.

"Who's there?!" I hear Mary say.

Then, she appeared right infront of me.

She was wearing the same outfit that I last saw her in.

Those little blue bows and everything.

The only difference was her eyes.

They looked dead.

She looked dead.

Was I dead?

I wake up.

Word count: 538 words.

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