Forgiveness is key.

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I woke up.

Just like yesterday, I get dressed, wake up Gregory, put my shoes on and leave with Gregory.

At work, I was exhausted from yesterday and could barely keep up with the kids. Sun must have obviously noticed because while I was cleaning the daycare, he came up to me and asked:

"Are you okay, sunshine? You seem more tired that usual."

"I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well that's all." I say, trying to avoid the subject.

Once done cleaning, I left the daycare and texted Gregory telling him that I will be in the food court waiting for him.


Sun pov:

Sunshine wasn't okay. I know they wouldn't tell that but I'm sure they aren't.


'yes, sun?'

'Y/n is acting kinda off and won't tell me why. Do you think you can ask them?'


'during naptime, obviously.'


While I was waiting for sunshine and the kids, I roamed around the daycare. I had no need to, it was exactly the same as the old one, but it just felt off. After a bit, I just sat down on the daycare floor and waited for someone to arrive.

The doors opened and behind them I saw
Y/n with with 3 large boxes in hand. Rushing over to them, I grab two boxes and ask:

"What are these for, sunshine?"

"It's for snack time." They say.

"What's for snack time? I think apple juice and bear paws. Why?" Sunshine asked.

"I was just curious, sunshine. Don't worry." I say as I put the boxes down on the designated table.

"Anyways, the kids should be here any minute now. So what should we play with them until naptime?" Sunshine asks.

"Hide and seek, colouring, tag, all sorts of stuff!" I say enthusiastically.

"How about Simon says?" Y/n suggests.

"That's a great idea sunshi-" I was cut off by the kids starting to go down the slide.

After a while, it was just about naptime and sunshine had gotten all the kids settled in. I went towards the security desk and turned off the lights just before glancing back at
Y/n one last time.



Y/n pov:

The lights turned off and I could hear footsteps from behind me.

'god I can't deal with moon right now.'

Moon walked passed me and started checking on the kids. After checking on everyone, I sat down on a bean bag, brought my legs to my chest and layed my head on the wall. Moon did the same not long after.

"Are you okay, starshine?" Moon asked.

" Yeah, I'm fine." I say.

"Sun told me that you were acting kinda off. Are you sure you're okay?" Moon asked again.

"To be honest, no. Yesterday, Bill was making fun of my trauma and said that it's fake just because Gregory ended up fine after what happened. Not only that, I had this weird dream and now I'm exhausted and feel like I'm going to pass out any second." I said.

"Who's Bill?" Moon asked.

"My foster dad." I say as I burry my head in my knees.

"Seems like you had a rough night." Moon said.

"No shi- no kidding." I say catching myself from swearing in the daycare.

Moon laughed.

"Moon, it's not funny!" I whisper-screamed.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." Moon said while quieting down.

"Anyways, about yesterday, I-" I cut moon off saying:

"No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for something you couldn't even control."

"Thanks, starlight." Moon said.

Word count: 596 words.

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