Monday's phone

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Finally, it's Monday and I can go back to the daycare! Sometimes I wish I could stay there forever. But sadly, I can't. I went down the slide like usual and was greeted by an overly concerned Sun.

"Y/n! Where have you been? You've been gone all weekend!" He said.

"I don't work on weekends, Sunny. I did miss you though." I said, with a laugh.

"Me and Moon missed you too!" Sun said, while hugging me.

I kinda whish I could just stay here. The daycare is much better than back home and maybe staying here will stop those... Dreams. Besides, it's not like Vanny is still alive, right?

__time skip__

Sun's pov:

I was cleaning the daycare with Y/n before they would have to leave for their lunch break. This is my  least favourite part of the day, right after seeing them leave, ofcourse.

Once sunshine left, I went into the play structures. With their phone.

'sun, why do you have y/n's phone?'

'they're not supposed to have it in the daycare!'

'so you took it?'


'sun, you need to give it back to them.'


'because it's their phone!'


I don't even know why I took it. I kinda just did.

While I was waiting for Y/n to come back, I went through their phone since it didn't have a lock on it. I looked though a couple apps like tiktok, YouTube and Snapchat. I then came a cross an app called watpadd, but before I could open it, Sunshine came back.


Y/n's Pov:

I can't believe I lost my phone! How stupid am I? I didn't even have a lock on it! Maybe sun has seen it? Putting down the boxes for snack time, I call out for sun and he came out of the play structures and hugged me.

"Sunny, have you seen my phone? I think I lost it." I said.

"Huh? No, I didn't see it! Why would I even take it?" Sun said.

Why is sun acting so weird? Well, weirder than usual.

I decided to ignore his bizarre behavior and went to the security desk to wait for the kids to come.

(Fun fact, it took me ten minutes to figure out how to write bizarre.)

__time skip__

I was setting up the blankets and pillows with sun for naptime. He seemed tense.

"Sun, are you okay? You seem tense." I asked.

"What? Me? No, I'm fine. Nothing is wrong! Don't worry!" Sun said.

We continued to set up the pillows and when we finished, sun went and turned off the lights. I set myself on a bean bag, like usual, and watched moon check on the kids before joining me on an other bean bag.

Moon then pulled out my phone. My fucking phone!

"I think this belongs to you." Moon said as he handed me my phone.

"Why do you have this?" I asked, both confused and annoyed.

"Sun took it." Moon said.

"He what?" I said, super mad.

I can't believe he took it! No wonder he was acting so weird! He took my damn phone!

"Why would he take it?" I asked.

"No clue." Moon said.

"Anyways, how was your weekend, starshine?" Moon asked.

"It was okay. I went to the movies with my friend." I said.

"That's good." Moon said.

"What about you and sun?" I asked.

"We kinda just took care of the kids, like every other day." Moon said.

"Oh." I said awkwardly.

"We did get to hang out with the main gang after hours, though." Moon said.

"That's cool. I haven't seen them yet. I'll go once I'm off work." I said.

"Alright." Moon said with a chuckle.

A chuckle who reminded me of Vanny. Her horible, horible laugh.

"Uh, anyways, how come you only come out during naptime?" I asked, trying to ignore how uneasy I felt.

"The parents used to think I was scary and didn't like me being around their kids. So, as a compromise, I only come out for thirty minutes during naptime and after hours." Moon said, diverting his gave away from me.

I could still see the upset expression on his face, though. I hugged moon which made him flinch but relax afterwards.

"I whish you could come out more. The kids would love spending time with you. Just like I did." I said.

Moon smiled and ruffled my hair before going to the light switch and turning it on. The kids got up and sun started to play games with them. I let them all play for a bit before I pulled sun off to the side to talk about him taking my phone.

"Sun, can you please explain to me why you took my phone?" I said.

"What? How did you know?" Sun said.

"Moon told me, but that's besides the point. Why did you take it?"

"You're not supposed to have it in the daycare!" Sun said.

"It was in my bag! That means you went through my my personal belongings!" I screamed.

Sun flinched.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have screamed." I said.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken your phone." Sun said before leaving.

I could see that sun was visibly sad but, decided to leave him be for the rest of my shift.

__time skip__

Me and Gregory got home around 6 and not 5 since we stayed an extra hour at the pizza Plex to hand out with freddy and music man. I couldn't help thinking about Sun the whole time. I felt really bad about what I did. Bill was making supper, so I just showered and went straight to bed instead of eating.

'Yet again, I find myself in a fucking nightmare.'

I thought to myself.

I was expecting to see Vanny or something, but instead I found myself infront of an elevator.

A gross, old, elevator.

I decided to go into the elevator and press a random number.

The floor Opened under me.

I hit the ground hard.

Until I saw her.

Word count: 1017 words.

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