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___super big time skip___

3rd person pov:

You and Gregory are both 16 and have gone form foster home to foster home. It was July and you were looking for a part time job.

"Y/n, come here!" Gregory said.

"What? I'm trying to fill out an application." You say, a little annoyed.

"Look! The pizza Plex is open again and they are looking for part-time highers!" He said.

You practically chocked on air hearing this.

"Oh my gosh-" you said.

"I know! I'm gonna go right now to apply to work with Freddy! You coming?" Gregory asked as he was already going towards the door.

"Of course I am! I just don't really know where I should apply for." You say.

"Well how about the daycare since you seemed to always get along with the attendant." Gregory said.

"I don't know. I mean, after what happened, I don't know if I should go." You say.

"Y/n, we said we would put what happened in the pizza Plex behind us. I know they were your siblings but..." Gregory trailed off.

"No, your right. Plus, it's possible that it wasn't even sun or moon who did it. It could've been that psycho rabbit lady." You said.

"That's the spirit! Come on, let's go!" Said Gregory while practically dragging you out the door.

Arriving, the both of you go up to the desk and ask for applications to fill out. The both of you do them and are told to wait until next week for the results.

___ a week later ___

Y/n pov:

"I got it. I got the job!" I scream, who alerts Gregory, the only other one in the house.

"What?! What's wrong?" He asks.

"I got the job! I'll be able to work at the daycare!" I say.

"Seriously?! Oh my god, that's so cool! Did I get my results back?" Asks Gregory.

"Yeah, I think so. You should look at them." I say.

As Gregory opened the email, I was thinking about what will happen when I go to the daycare. I mean, the letter did say I start tomorrow around 6.

"I got the job too!" Gregory said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Fuck yeah! That means I'll be able to work with my best friend!" I say.

Gregory and I, since the fire, have been really close and do everything together like going to shcool, parties and now, work!

"Not really, technically I'm working with Freddy and your working with sun and moon." He says.

"Oh, I guess your right. But at least we can go there together!" I say.

"Well I'm going to bed. Since it's 10 and we have work at 6." Gregory says.

I hadn't even realized that it was 10.

"Maybe I should go to bed too." I say.

___ one hour later ___

I've been trying to sleep for an hour now and I can't. Everything is replaying in my head again.

My siblings boddies, How my wound looked in the mirror, that bunny lady walking around. That was the worst part. The rabbit girl. Over and over. She would replay in my mind like a ringworm. Just, she would never leave. To replay and to haunt me. Over and over.

I don't know when, but I fell asleep.

___ dream land ___

I was in the daycare. But the music wasn't playing. The silence was loud. Then, the lights turned off. Not long after, I heard the scream of Gregory. The same one I heard when I found their boddies.

And then I woke up.

I turned offy alarm and left to go wake up Gregory. It was 5:30 and we would have to leave in twenty minutes.

"Gregory, We're going to be late get up!" I whisper screamed not wanting to wake up our foster parents.

"Fine. I'll get up." The half asleep Gregory said.

Once he got up, the both of us ate some toast and left for the bus station.

We arrived at the pizza Plex just before 6 and got clocked in at the same time. The both of us, luckily, already new where everything already was.

After minute, I was right infront of the slide. The slide who would lead me back to where everything started. The daycare.

Word count: 731 words

Ⓛ︎🅐︎Ⓝ︎🅖︎Ⓤ︎🅐︎Ⓖ︎🅔︎ Sundrop/Moondrop x child reader (Platonic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz