Change 18- Queen for wand

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They made eye contact across the Dock, Brooke watched as Mal's eyes flickered green as she looked at her before she looked away towards Uma, her eyes going back to their normal colour

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They made eye contact across the Dock, Brooke watched as Mal's eyes flickered green as she looked at her before she looked away towards Uma, her eyes going back to their normal colour.

Brooke had no idea what was going through Mal's head right now, but she was slightly worried that Uma would soon find herself without a crew.

Brooke could feel the eyes burning into the side of her head she thought it would be Harry seeing as he seemed to like touching her jaw. But she moved her eyes towards the deck in front of the boat her eyes met the earth brown pair that she adored so much.

She had never seen Evie look so enraged. The girl looked like she either wanted to punch Harry in the face for touching Brooke or punch Brooke for wandering off.

She hoped it was the first one.

But Brooke smiled. That cheesy puppy like smile made Evie's heart stop for a second, and her breath caught in her throat. That smile. Evie had been away from Brooke for a night, and she could hardly bear it.

She had been consumed by Brooke all night. The girl lived rent-free on her mind.

Evie needed her within reach. She needed to be in Brooke's arms again.

Mal couldn't even concentrate. Brooke was right there, Mal could fight her way through, but by the time she got their Harry would have pushed Brooke in.

The purple haired girl knew she shouldn't have let Brooke leave the tower. This was her fault, and now she needed to fix it.

The sound of sowrds clashing together started.

"Huh, let's get this party started
I swear I'm cold-hearted
There's no negotiation
I'm not here for debatin'
Do you need some motivation?
Just look at Brooke's face." Uma sung a she stood at the side of the boat that connected to the Dock.

Mal's eyes flickered to Brooke's once again. Brooke's soft eyes connected with Mal's before the girl looked away.

"Then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient
I'll throw her overboard and let her swim with killer sharks
You either hand over the wand or she'll be ripped apart," Brooke raised an eyebrow at that.

The wand, uma wanted the wand, of course she did. It was the ticket to get of the Isle. And it was a fair price, the wand for the Queen.

Well, Brooke didn't see this ending well.

"Now, let's all just be smart
Although for you, that must be hard
You'll get your wand
No one has to come to any harm
Don't try to intimidate
Your bark is much worse than your bite
Who's the baddest of them all?
I guess we're finding out tonight, " Mal sung back to the pirate girl, as Uma faked a bite at words.

Mal took a deep breath as the pirates started dancing. She glanced back at Brooke. Harry was still with the girl.

"Let's go, bring it on
Better give us what we want
It's the wand for the crown
If you don't, it's going down."

Enchanted ~ Mal Bertha & Evie GrimhildeWhere stories live. Discover now