Chapter XXV

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-Emilio POV-

I clumsily parked my car between two parking lots. Aurelio and Alessio slid off the car and we raced towards the hospital building as fast as our long legs could take us.

We wouldn't have reacted this way had any of our brothers got injured instead of Scarlett. Most of us have been shot more than once in our lifetimes and we made it look like a casualty. We all are aware that with business like this, comes a lot of life threatening risks.

We didn't have any problem with such risk, until now.

Why? only one reason should be enough....Letty.

We never wanted her to get hurt in any of this. But she did got hurt in this messed up fight. Now that she is stuck with us, I am sure things like these are bound to happen again.

"What do you think would have happened?" Lio asked with a low voice. He is a loudmouth in our family and only times he speaks this low shows how nervous he is.

"I am sure it must have been a few scratches here and there, nothing much. You know how Dom exaggerates things." Alessio tried to reassure us but it looked like he is trying to reassure himself to tame his overgrowing tensed nerves.

"I hope so." I mumbled.

When we reached to the first floor, all of our brothers were present as expected. Lio and Al took off to where Cesco and Dom were sitting and started firing questions.

Since I didn't have anything better to do except waiting for Dr. Mathews to inform us about her condition, observing others was all I could do In a situation like this.

Luca was standing with his back resting against a wall. He looked cool with his hands in his pockets and his eyes closed. But I know from experience that he is far from cool and collected.

He has made everyone think that he doesn't care about Letty. I, too, would have believed this lie had I not seen him lurking in the shadows of Scarlett's room when she passed out from playing soccer.

Luca may be a douchebag but he cares about Letty like all of us. He has accepted Scarlett as his little sister and nothing is going to change that fact.

I furrowed my eyebrows when I spotted Alviaz sitting on one of the chairs outside the hospital room. He never cared to show up when Victor got shot on his back or when Dom was blown away by a fire explosion that was set up in his car.

But here he is, sitting in a faraway corner with his knees bouncing up and down constantly while his face looked like a stone, hard and emotionless. Nobody would have guessed that he is as nervous and tensed as rest of us with such a face but his fidgeting knees was a dead give away.

Every person present here was dealing with this situation in their own way but as my eyes roamed from one face to another, I figured that Victor is not here. Finding it a little unusual of him to not wait around with family, I stood up from my chair and strolled through the passage while constantly looking in every direction in search of my elder brother.

Taking the elevator to ground floor, I came across a cafeteria which was occupied with doctors and nurses. Patients were also there but they kept mostly to themselves.

When my eyes landed on a coffee machine, I couldn't resist the urge. So with a coffee in one hand, I walked towards one of the empty tables.

But I changed my direction when Victor came into my vision. He was sitting on of the tables, quietly sipping his coffee while looking straight ahead.

Instead of waiting outside the hospital room, he is sitting here, enjoying a cup of coffee.

However, I dismissed the thought as soon as it came since it would have made me a hypocrite because I am also here with a cup of coffee.

Melting their heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें