Chapter XIV

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After having a lovely chat with my friends and threatening luke with his life to stay away from their baby sister, my brothers went back to their table where those girls were waiting for them.

I shifted my attention back to my friends who still haven't said a single word to me.

"um okay?"

"She did not just ask that." Stella said shaking her head slowly like she couldn't comprehend what just happened moments before.

"She certainly did and we are not okay, okay! You are their..they are are siblings with them!" Luke flailed his hands frantically hitting Mel right in the face.

" idiot!" Mel threw her fries at him which he caught in his mouth just in time.

I shook my head at them.

These guys seriously have attention span of a 3 year old.

"I am friends with idiots." Stella sighed closing her eyes, moving her head toward the ceiling.

Maybe praying to God to give her better set of friends...more mature ones.

"Why do you hate them so much? They are very nice if you get to know them." I scrunched up my nose at this.

They don't know them like I do!

"You will hate them too if you hear about their history in this school." Mel said seriously.

"Fine! Enlighten me then."

Rest of the school went by in a blur. I was going towards the bleachers since triplets had their football practise after school. Walking in a daze almost made me collide with a wall.

I shook my head furiously, denying whatever rubbish those guys spewed about my step brothers.

I reached the stadium just in time to see all my brothers are in a heated argument with some of the boys, probably other players of the team. They were shouting so loud that I could easily make out the words they were throwing at each other.

And I wish I could get away from the scene as soon as possible. So I turned around ready to make a beeline to the parking lot but I literally froze on my spot when some Jock threw a mean punch at Aurelio.


I was not at all ready to witness what happened next. Alessio picked the same guy with his collar and smashed his face on his knee making the guy lose consciousness on the spot. Both Al and Lio then targeted other boys of the bunch while Emilio was smoking a joint leaning against the score board.

I ran over to him, snatched the stick from his mouth and threw it away harshly. He snapped his neck to my side with his hand raised in the air.

Yes hit me Milo why don't you? It's not like I am your sister or anything.

"Scarlett? What are you doing here?" He straightened his posture, immediately retreating his hand back.

"You guys were the ones who asked me to be here and they are fighting for god sake! Can't you do something about it?" I raised my voice slightly showing how shocked I am right now.

"Come on, I'll take you home." He took my hands in his, taking me towards the parking lot.

"But what about them?" I turned my head slightly to see them still fighting with each other, their clothes getting torn.

These clothes must be of poor quality. Tsk they earn so much money but still can't buy some good stuff.

"They'll manage."

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