Chapter XIX

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I wanted to run away as far as possible but my legs felt way too heavy to do so. A shiver ran down my spine when I saw Luca elbowing Al in gut making him fall on his knees.

Shutting my eyelids tightly, I slid down with my back pressed against the wall.

They were acting...

lies...their smiles, those late night movies... everything was a big fat lie.

My chest suddenly felt restricted. I couldn't breath like I am drowning deep within an ocean and I don't know how to fucking swim.

"S-stop.." a whisper left my mouth with both of my hands pressed tightly on both the sides of my head. I did everything I could to stop the noise but their shouting could still be heard clearly.

-Dominic's pov-

Gritting my teeth, I let out a frustrating growl while closing down all the files laying on my table as if daunting me.

"Dammit! why do I have to be the one to stay at home when they go and have fun all by themselves." I snarled, slamming my fist on the table.

Looking at those files with resentment, I grabbed my coat from the chair and went out of that damm office. Victor will deal with those, its the least he could do for leaving me alone with those brats.

except Letty...ofcourse.

A smile made its way to my lips as soon as I thought of my little sister. She is a little angel who fell down upon the hands of us devils. I know how hard she is trying, to be the best sister she can be but sometimes it is too much to handle especially that coglione Luca. {fucker}

Wondering how we got such a sweetheart in a house full of demons, I went straight to her room on first floor.

But a ringtone halted my movements, effectively stopping me from going upstairs.

"Si" {yes}

"Boss there's a bit of..umm.. situation here.. on the first floor"

One of my bodyguard said nervously which immediately got my attention since bodyguards planted within the mansion barely call any of us.

"What happened?" I asked as I started on my way again to the first floor.

"There is a fight going on between Mr. luca and Mr. Alessio." he said in one breath.

che idiota {what an idiot}, I thought while running a hand through my hair.

An annoyed expression framed my face as soon I heard him speak. Letting out a deep breath, I clenched my fist trying my best not to lash out on my poor excuse of a bodyguard.

"That's it? You bothered me for a damm fight?" I hissed out at him.

I could literally hear him gulping down his own saliva on which I rolled my eyes at.

I am not that terrifying.


"S-sir.. its not just about a fight. This time-" he took a deep breath before continuing "-miss Scarlett is also involved."

Sucking in a deep breath, I clenched my eyes shut trying to calm my breathing.

"I am going to fucking kill them!" I growled out, ending the call and speed walking to the long awaited floor.


Entering the corridor, first thing I noticed was Alessio and Luca holding each other throats while two of my men were trying to separate them from each other. But my eyes were only looking around for my little sister and my heart beat dropped for a second when I saw her slouched figure at the end of the hallway.

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