Chapter VIII

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Scarlett^ :)


After breakfast everyone went on their own way and I went to explore the mansion since I have nothing better to do right now.

When I said these people are rich, I didn't know that they are this rich.

I mean they have their own movie theatre. Can you believe that? And how can I forget that piano room and a ball room. This mansion is build like a fucking palace!

But I still feel a little guilty, living at their expense. Even though this wouldn't put a dent in their bank balance but my pride is getting in the way.

I was able to explore only half of this place because my legs were starting to feel like jelly.
What can I say, this place is huge alright!

So I went back to my room but not before sneaking some snacks with me.

Don't want to repeat that night again, do we now?

What night you ask..we don't talk about it anymore.

To be honest, Food is the only best thing that came out of this. Food made by their chef is just..finger lickin' good. Delicious as fuck.

Aww now I feel hungry even though I just ate.

I was going to make a call to my friends but stopped when I heard a knock.

Alessio came and grumbled something that i failed to catch. But he was out of my room like I am going to give him plague or something.

Can you believe this bitch?

I obviously ran after him down the stairs but collided with a wall resulting in me falling on my butt.

"Gosh darn! I don't think there was a wall here before."

I stood up, rubbing my throbbing ass that is now hurting like hell no thanks to the wall.

As soon as I looked up..I screamed. Well more like..uh screeched while he just blinked at me like a screeching teenage girl is nothing new to him.

"Oh my god! Alviaz! You scared the fuc- frick out of me." I said trying to control my heart.

He gave me one last glance and stormed off like I am going to give him some disease.

Are they always this grumpy or is it just for today?

"Hey wait!"

I ran after him to catch up with his pace.

Damm this man is fast. 

Anyone with legs longer than me is fast. Sad but its the truth.

"Hey!" I said too cheerfully walking side by side.

"Umm I uh.." he cocked his head in my direction.

I took that as a cue to start talking.

"Look I apologise for hitting you last night. But can you blame me? I thought you were a burglar or something. And you.."

Looking everywhere to make sure that nobody's listening, I leaned more in his direction to whisper in his ear but that proved to be very difficult considering I have a height of a mercat. 

"You had a gun! I freaked out okay and I couldn't just sit there knowing that my brothers lives are at stake!"

He went stiff for a moment, looking more alarmed then before.

Now you react eh?

"Don't worry Vi I can call you Vi right? Yeah so i didn't tell anyone if you're wondering cause I thought it's your secret to share not mine but whatever you are doing Vi please be careful okay?"

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