Strep Throat 🌻

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Summary: Nick, Matt and Chris get sick and Mary Lou has the role of looking after them.

Read Authors Note.

Thank you NicoD05 for the request <333
Mary Lou's POV

"MOOOOOM" I hear Chris yell voice sounding strained and tired, All day all three of my boys have been sicker than usual and I feel so bad I hate seeing them in pain.

"Yes honey?!" I shout back rushing to his side Matt and Nick looking as if they are about to pass out at any given moment. "Hurts-" he chokes out bursting into tears as he curls himself up against me, "Oh Chrissy- my poor boy" I sigh rubbing his shoulder softly in a attempt to calm him down atleast abit, "I would give anything to take this pain away from you all I'm so sorry hun" I continue pressing a soft kiss to his head slightly jolting up at the sound of Matt emptying his stomach into a bucket I had gave each of them earlier today.

"I'm just going to check on your brother okay try calm down for me just relax.." I reply laying him back down onto his back gently, I rush over to Matts side immediately patting his back in a comforting manner, "Don' feel good-" he says his voice shaking with panick, "oh I know honey let me go get you a cold rag-" I reply immediately rushing downstairs as I hurry to find a rag.

Nick's POV

Me and my brothers have been sick all of today and I've never seen Chris so emotional and Matt so scared, I honestly feel so bad and out poor mom has to take care of us all as our dad is on a work trip, She is currently downstairs trying to find a rag for Matt as he looks like he's sweating buckets underneath his blanket his comfort teddy pug laid next to him.

"You okay?" I mumble watching as Chris stumbles out of bed soon after getting into mine.

"Please don't throw up on me-" I ask wrapping my arms around his torso gently, "Don't worry I won't" he chuckles burying his head close into my chest.

A few minutes later Mary lou comes back in a cold rag in hand.

Mary Lou's POV

I rush back into the room having finally found a rag and Matt is now laid in Nick's bed and if I'm being honest I'm resisting the urge to take a photo and send it to Jimmy they are so adorable.

"Here Matty." I sigh leaning him back slight as I place the now empty bucket on the floor soon after resting the damp cloth to his forehead.

Whenever my boys were sick poor Matt would always have it the hardest always sweating and throwing up his meals whereas Chris was the more emotional one and Nick, Nick just slept until he felt better though sometimes he often needed that extra bit of comfort which the other two understood.

So in the end everything turned out great, "Mom.. I want to feel better Matt mumbles almost inaudibly and I swear the way he said it nearly broke my heart into a million pieces.

"Oh sweetie I know I am so sorry Matty." I sigh watching as the younger closes his eyes soon falling asleep.

A few days after everyone felt much better and quickly recovered,

My strong boys.



Hellooo, oh my god it feels like I haven't wrote in years and I'm so happy to be back :) first things first I need to apologise I left for way to long and if I'm being honest school hasn't been the most lamest thing in the world but I have a question, I'm going into year 11 after the six weeks and I need to revise for my GCSES so does anyone have any tips of apps at all anything would be greatly appreciated as I'm really worried at the minute about all of it :) anyways I hope this one was okay I know it's short but ti's something and honestly I don't know how many of you are still going to be here but if you are thank you so much I appreciate everyone love and support and I read all of the kind messages on the last chapter and loved them all :) also I was so shocked to come back and see so many people still voting on and reading my story's so thank you so much for that and one of my stories has over fourty votes- insane. Anyways I'll see everyone soon stay safe and well!

Bye <3


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