Non-Verbal 🦄

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Summary: Chris is regressed during an interview and he becomes Non Verbal.

Thank you defnotdevon for the request <333

Chris's POV

I'm currently fast asleep but not for long, we are going to do an interview today with one of Alahnas friends who have a podcast I'm pretty anxious about it if I'm being honest, but I'm going to do it for my brothers.

"Chris-" I hear someone whisper shaking my shoulder gently, "What.. " I groan rolling over to be met with Matt, "You need to get ready for the interview Chrissy" he smiles lifting me up by my shoulders carefully, "Don want to.." I groan closing my eyes once again.

Matt's POV

"Come on bambi.. We need to get you ready.." I sigh as I grab his arm pulling him out of the bed but he just goes and lays back down, I sigh in defeat Nick stood in the doorway as he walks forward raising his voice slightly, "Right Chris if you don't get up I'm taking your dinosaur," he begins picking up the dinosaur keychain off his side table, "NO!" He shouts standing up as he snatches the dinosaur from his clasp holding it close to his chest, "Hey! No snatching Chris" Nick says leaving the room, "Come on then Chrissy arms up, I sigh taking his shirt off as I place the new one on, you can do the rest yourself here you go, I smile handing him some blue jeans, "Thank you.." he groans as I leave the room making my way down the stairs.

I'm sitting on the chair down the stairs when I hear quiet footsteps and a head laying on my lap, "Don.. Wan to go.." he slurs as I place a hand into his hair stroking gently, "I know you don't but it'll be okay it's only an hour," I reply watching as Nick comes in Chris's favourite strawberry chapstick in hand, "Look what I found in one of the drawers!" he smiles handing it to Chris who has the biggest grin on his face ever "THANK YOU!" He giggles immediately applying it to his lips, he couldn't find that yesterday and I think it butchered with his mood abit. "Right! Let me fix your hair before we leave," Nick says as he stands in front of the boy tousling his hair around until it looks neat and tidy, "That okay?" he asks finally finishing "Mhm" Chris smiles looking into the mirror opposite him, "You look like I prince!" I chuckle ruffling his hair.

We are in the car now, Nick gave Chris his grey jacket as his had pen on it so I think he feels atleast a little better about going.. Atleast I hope!

At the interview

Everything went very smoothly we went in got seated and he was just asking us some questions, "So yous three are triplets right?" The man asks a smile plastered onto his face, "Well no shit.." I hear Chris snicker giving the man a look that was for from kind, "I'll take away your dinosaur stop giving him attitude." Nick whispers to him a stern look on his face, I see Chris's face drop in which I immediately feel guilty, I don't like seeing him get told off.. and after that he was almost completely silent only answering questions, "So what's everyones favourite colour?" he asks as we all answer "Purple or black" Nick says and then I say "Orange or red" but then Chris doesn't say his?.. I nudge him slightly as if to signal its his turn but he only looks at me a blank expression filling his face a look of just innocence. He must be regressed and non-verbal, shit.

Luckily the Man just continues with his questions up until around half way through I think Nick caught on straight away with what happened to Chris, "Is he okay?.. Can I ask him a question?" The interviewer says interrupting my thoughts, "He is alright He's fine just not feeling very verbal at the minute.. You can ask us stuff though!" Nick explains smiling kindly at the man in which he agrees and goes back to his questions straight away asking no more questions.

"P-Paci" Chris says leaning in to whisper in my ear, his voice is slightly slurred due to being regressed but I understood him mostly, "We had this conversation Chrissy... I'm sorry honey you can't have it in public remember?" I whisper back, in all honesty I feel really guilty having to deny him of his comfort item but we can't risk it and big Chris agreed. I hear him whine as he brings my arm up around his shoulder.

The interview is done now we said our goodbyes and we are now in the car, Nick agreed to drive so I could sit in the back and comfort Chris, "P-PACI!" The little sobs reaching out as I scramble through his bag trying to find it, "Okay bambi I've got it here!" I reply handing him the paci which was stuffed in the front of his bag, he immediately takes it as he begins suckling on the end it starting to soothe him slowly, I sigh in relief as he lays his head in my lap closing his eyes gently.

At home.

We are now home and Chris may aswell be asleep his eyes are drooping and his paci is almost falling from his lips, "Come on bambi.. Let's get you ready for bed." I smile as Nick hands me some plaid pants and a grey t shirt for the little, "Arms up sleepy head." I chuckle carefully taking off his shirt as I place the grey one on doing the same with his jeans, "S'eepy...." he groans doing grabby hands as I lean down taking him into my arms as we make our way up the stairs Nick following close behind.

I put him into bed me and Nick getting in close beside him as he immediately pulls his favourite dinosaur teddy close to his chest his body fully spread across me and Nick. I place a hand into his hair Nick drawing shapes onto his back, Soon after he fell asleep paci basically glued to his mouth cuddling his favourite teddy, We couldn't of been happier.

Let's just hope he sleeps right through until the morning.



LONGER ONE WOOO! I Hope everyone enjoyed this one there shouldn't be any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes but if there is I'm so sorry.. Thank you for helping to boost this book sim really happy with were it is at and I hope yous are still enjoying it! I hope everyone has a great weekend I know I will :) stay safe and I care about you all, love you all so so much.

Bye <3

Words:1144 :D

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