Chapter Twenty-one

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Kamila's POV

I woke up to an unfamiliar room before recalling where I actually was. I sat up remembering the guys mentioning they were leaving for their morning run and training.

I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Everything in there looked so big, even the bathtub. Seems like we would spend a lot of time in there.
Before my mind would get all dirty, I looked away and picked my brush spreading toothpaste over it.

Bathing took about twenty minutes before I stepped out of the bathroom to the closet next door. The closet is so freaking big. I could differentiate Ryan's side from Dylan's. The space between was filled with my clothes that did nothing to fill the huge amount space they left for me.

I took out a black leggings and flannel shirt with crop top inside with comfortable footwear.

After dressing up, I went down into the kitchen and made a bowl of cereals before chatting Zoe up.


Morning boo, finally awake?

Eating breakfast

Sarah and I are coming to pick you up. Going around the pack today.

Okeydokey. I will be waiting.

I washed the bowl after finishing the cereal and used the little time I had to look around the house.

The living room is so huge with all you can use a living room. Full sound system, and all. They also had a sun room, the room is so beautiful, I could already picture myself spending hours in here
Moving on, I saw that there was three other bedrooms apart from ours. The rooms were hardly designed leaving kinda bare.

I went back down the stairs, picked my phone and stepped out to the back to see a pretty large pool.
Gosh, isn't there anything else in this house that is not so freaking huge? I wondered looking forward to the woods that surrounded the back of the house. I guess they run around here all the time.

"Yo, Kami. Where you at?" I heard Zoë yell making me go back inside to meet them in front of the house.
"Morning ladies." I greeted smiling. They both smiled back before Sarah asked. "Ready?" I nodded and we left the house.

We walked around aimlessly for a while just meeting people. At first, they was really no one around the area where the house stood until we walked away.

"I would show you two the pack house first. So, quick warning, it is always crazy in there. Mske sure you come out alive." Sarah said making us chuckle.
True like Sarah said, everyone really wanted to meet us and some of the kids around were hellbent in getting us to join their games.
Some girls reminded me of the real life Annabelle I have as a cousin back home. I noticed them talking among themselves glancing at our direction, ans so I  did the most deserving thing, ignore them.

Sarah took us next to like the pack's daycare. It was built so the pack members who had to get busy with their duties could find somewhere to drop their kids off.
The kids in there were just too adorable. A particular girl, Sage really attracted me. She is seven and three quarters years old, in her own words.
Her eyes were the brightest green I think I have ever seen which makes sense with her name.

She was drawing when we came in. Turns out she is a very talented artist, and that made me bond with her even more faster.
Her mum died three years ago during some kind of attack. Her dad works in the pack's hospital.

After spending few minutes with her, drawing and chatting. It was time for us to leave because according to Sarah; 'My jerk of brothers have been flooding my head with questions about how the tour us going, so I think you should get back to them.'

Sage was sad to see me leave so I made a promise to make sure I would come to visit her every day. I also told her that I would ask her father if she could spend some time with me instead of staying here all the time.

She smiled and hugged me finally releasing me so we could leave.

The walk back lasted twenty minutes. Zoë and Sarah left after seeing me off and I went in to meet the guys in our bedroom. Our bedroom, love the sound of that.

They both hugged me tightly. "We missed you." They said in sync. "It hasn't even been a whole day." I said to them hugging them in return before running my hands through their silky hair.
"It doesn't matter." Ryan whined, that man child just acts more childish day by day.

"How was your tour?" Dan asked after they released me. We sat on the recliner sofa in the bedroom. I told you everything is really huge.

"It was great, except we only went to the pack house and the daycare." I replied. "And you enjoyed it?" Ryan asked.

I nodded smiling. "I met a girl in the daycare, her name is Sage. She draws beautifully." I added.
Dylan chuckled. "Oh, Sage. For some reason, Aaron and that girl do not get along."
"Does every one in the pack actually hates Aaron?" I asked. Ryan laughed.

"I think he did something to her art products, so she hates him ever since then." Dylan said.
"I would murder him in his sleep if he did anything to my art products." I replied.
"Maybe that's just his bad luck." Ryan said

"Probably." I agreed

"Do you still want to look around, we can also get lunch outside." Dylan suggested.

I agreed going into the bathroom to ease myself before we left the house again.

We got burger and milkshakes from a shop around. "Gosh, why does it taste so good." I said munching on my burger.  " They have perfected it, the shop has been in the family for four generations." Dylan replied.
"That is my new favourite spot." I said slurping the last of milkshake.

"Where do want to see next?" Ryan asked as we walked out of the shop. "I don't know, show me somewhere interesting." I told him. He nodded thoughtfully before we left in a new direction.

"Do I have to know where we are going?" I asked as they practically dragged me away.
"Somewhere we are sure you would love to get on paper." Dylan replied.

After walking through the forest and going over some rocks and all. We finally arrived at.....

The most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen. Who am I kidding, this is the first waterfall I have seen but anyway.

They led me closer to it and that was I noticed they was actually an opening behind the waterfall.


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Lot of love
Liz_Beth Rose 🌹

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