Chapter Twenty

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Dylan's POV

We arrived at O'Hare international airport after a two hours and forty minutes long flight from New York city.

Stopping by the baggage claim area to get our luggage. We stepped out of the airport. Ryan sniffed loudly before sighing. "Home sweet home." He said making me smile.
I tried mind linking Aaron, to see if he was close by. We asked him to come pick us up alone so we could suprise our parents and the pack.

'Good to see you have arrived.'  He replied. ' On our way to you' I said.

Kami, Zoe and Sarah walked in front of me and my brother as they chatted excitedly with each other.
My mind went back to the incident that happened days ago and I am still very happy that we got there in time. And of course, we dealt with him for laying his filthy hands on our mate.


After Sarah and Zoë came over to keep Kami company. Ryan and I left to the corner we tied the idiot down.
He was awake when we got there. "Who are you two?" He asked. "Oh, us?" Ryan said pointing to his chest. "We are someone who Kami is very special to." The idiot actually chuckled. "Oh, so she is dating you two. Always knew she was a slut." He said and that did it. I punched him with my shifted fist.

"Are you guys crazy?! I could sue you for this!" He yelled with bloodied teeth. "So could we, cause you came into the house to assault her." I said to him.
Leaving him with a broken nose, bloodied face and two broken ribs. Ryan and I left for home after making sure we looked decent enough.


We all stepped out of the airport to seat Aaron standing beside a SUV. "What's up people." He said helping ONLY the ladies with their bags. "Hey, what about us?" Ryan asked. Aaron looked at us before sighing heavily. "I ain't no chaffeur." He sassed and walked to the door of the driver's side.
Ryan and I placed our bags in the car before getting in. Kami giggled at our annoyed faces as Aaron drove out onto the roads.
"I hope you didn't tell anyone we are arriving today?" Ryan asked after thirty minutes of silence. "Yeah, because I am a kid and do not know the meaning of the word suprise. I told every goddamn person." Aaron replied rolling his eyes.

"You are so going to love it here." Sarah said to Zoe and Kami. "I can't wait to breathe some fresh air free from New Yorks pollution." Zoe replied stretching her body with the little space the car allowed.
"We would show you our special spot."  I told Kami as she rested her head on my shoulder.

After a two hour drive,  we were arriving at our pack.  Looking around,  nothing seemed to have changed,  just looking more vibrant and organised.
We drove further in,  finally reaching the place filled with more wolves than humans.

Aaron packed the car in front of our parents house and just then, the entrance door flew open to reveal the figure of my mum as she looked into the cemar before her face broke into a wide grin. "I knew I smelled my boys." she said.
We all stepped out of the car and my mum actually hugged Kamila first then Zoe, forgetting about her actual children.
"I missed you two so much."  She said pulling them into another none crushing hug.

Sarah cleared her throat. "Your actual children are here." she said. Mum only spared us a glance before going  inside the house with Kamila and Zoe leaving me with my siblings and Aaron. "I am not some bellboy, you guys." Aaron whined. Mum turned to glare at him making Aaron do a 360 turn to get the bags from the car. "I can't believe I fear just your mum more than I fear my own parents." He grumbled dragging the bags up the stairs into the house.

Dad joined us about thirty minutes later also ignoring his own children. Everyone around greeted and welcomed Kami and Zoe into the pack especially Kami as she is the luna of the pack.

We left in the evening to our own house. "Everyone is nice here, and this place is so nice. I would love to draw a lot of landscapes." Kami said.
"We can show you the most beautiful places to draw and also relax" I told her.

"And you can also see our wolf well, we would take you on a run." Ryan added and  I nodded in agreement. She grinned saying. "I can't wait."

The next morning, everyone already knew we had arrived and also had our mate with us.
It was 6am in the morning, the usual time for running and preparing for training.
Ryan and I were still in bed fully awake while Kami was still asleep between our bodies.

She stirred awake to see us starring at her. "Morning, firefly." I said. Kami mumbled a greeting and turned to snuggle against my chest.
"We have to go, Kami." I told her running my fingers through her silky brown hair. "Where?" She asked, eyes still closed. "Morning run, and to begin catch up on our training and all." Ryan said behind her rubbing her arm. "When are you coming back?" She asked finally looking at us.

"In four hours." I told her. "I will be here." she said and closed her eyes to continue sleeping. "See you soon, mum might want to come over so be ready in an hour." I told her because my mum WILL come over.
She nodded and threw the blanket over her head.
You won't even know she is in bed, that is how small she is in the bed.
We made this room for when we get a mate, everything is bigger so it will be very comfortable for two huge guys and one extra person.
Even our closet was designed to be together, my side is on the right, Ryan's on the left and now Kami's space between the two sides.

She also had a dressing table, the vanity with the lights and all. Enough space to keep her stuffs.
I guess we really wanted to make our mate comfortable.

Kami has not explored the house yet but I am sure she will after getting ready today.

Ryan and I only picked shorts to wear since we are going to be shifting for a long time.
We left the house and walked down to the spot for training.
Aaron, along with some guards were already waiting. "Morning, Alphas!!" They all said. "Morning to you all, it is good to be back." I said before getting straight into business.

I am sorrrrrry this took a long time. Hope I am forgiven

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Lot of love
Liz_Beth Rose 🌹

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