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Hui Jie's POV:
    I stuffed my hands in my coat pockets, the evening breeze sweeping the hair from my face. My mind was still thundering with irritation: Lilith was such a two-faced liar, pretending to care about me when in fact she doesn't at all. I sniffled. My thoughts drifted away for a while, and all I heard for the next few seconds was a perpetual ringing, like the sound a triangle would make when struck in a large, empty cave. Then a new emotion washed over me: disappointment. Lilith didn't care about me, did she? I gulped, a lump forming in my throat. She didn't care. Why would she? I felt so stupid, for even having the slightest twinge of hope that someone like Lilith, a person who has everything in life, would like me. I felt my vision turn blurry and before I knew what I was doing, I had broken into a run.
    The wind bellowed in my ears as I ran aimlessly, with no idea where I was headed. It felt good to run like this, to feel the ground being pounded by my feet, miles being eaten up by my strides. My lungs were bursting, and my calves were burning, however, my thoughts were finally, blessedly silent.
    I heard a sharp honk, and looked up in time to avoid being run over by a bicycle. The driver tutted loudly and shouted over his shoulder, calling me an idiot. I sighed. Then, the smell of barbecued meat wafted into my nose. I turned around in search of the source of the aroma and laid my eyes on a night market across the street. My eyes lit up. Subconsciously, I crossed the road.
    "One chicken wrap please," I ordered, smiling weakly at the stall owner.
    He stuck out his hand in reply, urging me to hand over the payment. I felt my smile drop slightly before dumping the little money I had left into his palm. A few moments later, he handed me a burrito wrapped in aluminium foil.
    Squatting at the side of the road, I dug in like a starved animal; I hadn't realised how hungry I was until now. My stomach grumbled. I groaned in satisfaction as I bit into the wrap. Its flavour made my tastebuds burst, sparks whizzing around in my mouth.
    "This tastes like it was harvested from heaven itself," I mumbled to myself, my eyebrows knitting together in enjoyment.
    I watched as motorcycles zoomed by, as I enjoyed the calm atmosphere. I didn't get to enjoy it much though, since I soon started thinking about Lilith again. Gosh, why did I care so much? Why should I bother if she likes me or not? I had never cared, so why do I care now? I grimaced. Standing up, I started to walk back to the hotel, afraid that I was going to get scolded by the teacher.

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