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Hui Jie's POV:
    That was nice. I contemplated Lilith's unexpected and surprisingly kind gesture as I sipped the drink carefully to not spill any of the almost overflowing whipped cream. Why had she done it? Did she have a change of heart? Should I give friendship another shot? I didn't mind, the trip seemed to be going pretty smoothly with her so far. I spotted the class already gathered not far in front of us, and I gently tapped Lilith's shoulder, silently ushering her to quicken up her pace and join the group.
    "Taking attendance, is everyone present?" our teacher asked monotonously.
    "Hui Jie isn't here, Miss," a guy piped up.
    "She's seated beside me you moron," Lilith gritted her teeth, elbowing the kid in his arm.
    "Sheesh, chill. So overprotective and for what," he rolled his eyes. The people around us snickered. I scowled at them—what a bunch of assholes.
    "Shut up. Alright since everyone is here let's get moving. Chop chop," the teacher continued.
    We all gathered our belongings and collectively scurried to the boarding queue. Lilith had to double-check if she hadn't left her $7000 Louis Vuitton purse (at least that was what she said) behind, triggering the teacher to bark at us to hurry up. That old woman had no chill, had she been the one to carry around a purse worth more than her own existence, I'm sure she would be paranoid about losing it too.
   Once we were on the plane, I found out that I was seated in the opposite aisle from Lilith. That would've been fine with me, if only she wasn't seated next to the class weirdo, or as I would like to refer to him, the biggest pervert; a total sicko. What if he decides to pull some sick "prank" on her? I was so preoccupied with my worries that I almost slammed my fingers into the overhead storage compartment. I groaned quietly. Whatever, I'll just monitor him...not because I care about her or anything, but just so he doesn't do anything...
    Okay, I couldn't stand this. It had been around 30 minutes into the flight, and he seemed to be leaning in and...sniffing Lilith's hoodie. Ew gross. That's disgusting, who in the right mind would do something like that? I felt like puking on the spot.
    I discreetly took off my seatbelt and crossed over to Lilith's aisle. The degenerate looked up at me, surprised.
    "Get up. Move," I snarled.

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