Epilogue: London Pt.1

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My boyfriend was a writing genius. It felt good to say that. And the best part was that the whole world knew it, that he was a genius, everything he published was a work of art, a literary best seller. He was sky-rocketing to fame, and he hadn't even gone to London yet, where the fans were already camping out at Clara's Bookstore.

But I missed him, like crazy. Natalie and I had traveled Greece together, through the beautiful sights and skyrocketing terrain. We had passed through the city, and I had fallen in love with it, every second. But I was glad to be home, and so was Natalie. She missed Nolan, she hadn't been so far from him in a long time.

Nolan and I were supposed to leave for London, in just three days, yet I felt like he would be dipping out because as soon as we got back they were all gooey ooey together. It was terrifying and poor Arden and Arabella's cheeks had been squeezed too many times by Natalie.

I was still getting used to this idea of being away from him. It was just two more months, but this trip would make up for it. It would let me get to see him for just a little trip, for me to surprise him, because I missed him dearly.

Davina and Liam had just got back from a trip from Mexico, they were spending their summer surrounded by each other. And I wished we had had that. But I knew it would all be worth it in the end, Dallas was spending time with Vi and his dad. And he was garnering fame and excitement for his new books as an up and coming author.

"Should I grab snacks?" Davina asked as she came in with a selection of movies, and Liam followed behind her. I was told tonight was a girl's night, but unlike Dallas and I right now, they couldn't be seperated. Not at all. I was currently becoming a third wheel.

"Awe, babe, why do you look so down?" Davina smiled, trying to cheer me up with her chipper voice. Everyone knew why I was in a sour mood.

"Mels missing our boy". Liam said, cockily as he took a seat on the bed, and he steered Davina to sit in his lap. I was happy for them that they had found themselves, but I really was just looking forward to a night without a constant reminder of Dallas. I already felt his absence so deeply in my own bed, I didn't need to sleep next to his best friend either.

"And she has every right to... I think it's time now". Davina said, as Liam gave her a little pout.

"Please I won't make a sound". He said, begged almost. I wouldn't be surprised if he got down on his knees and begged to be able to stay. After everything that had happened between the two of them, their strained history, Davina's parents and her uncle were hesitant to trust Liam, even though Davina was all in. Let's just say Davina's sex positive mom wasn't so positive about Liam sleeping over every night, or any night for that matter. So at the moment I was the only one permitted to sleep over, and he had to go back out the door he came from tonight.

My phone buzzed as I went to grab it as Davina walked downstairs with Liam, my smile growing large as I saw the name. The time difference was a pain as he traveled the world, especially now that he was in London and would be there for the next two weeks. I was just going to sleep while he was waking up.

"How was your day, beautiful?" He graced me with his voice, and I heard the tiredness through his voice, through the hum he played in his mind to stay awake.

"It was okay... I'm sleeping over at Davina's, she just had to kick Liam out". I said, knowing he wanted an update on his friend. He wished this tour wasn't as long as it was. He wanted to enjoy the time before we had to carry on so much responsibility. He wanted to enjoy these last months in our hometown before the rest of the school decimated to their desired parts of the world.

"He's doing good?" Dallas asked, and I could hear the sincerity in his voice, everything about his voice created shivers in my spine.

"He is like a lost puppy following around Davina". I said, hearing his gruffled laugh, it was music to my ears.

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