11: The Launch Party Pt.2

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Natalie and Nolan both got into the car making room for me, but it seemed Natalie hadn't mentioned a word of the ordeal to Nolan, as our conversation went on like normal.

On the drive, I had a lot of thinking to do. I don't know why I was so nervous asking Dallas to pick up his clothes. Did he now make me nervous? Is that what this is?

I guess it had been awhile since I had had a normal conversation with a person my own age, maybe I was just afraid of the social interaction of it all. Maybe that's why I couldn't say a word to Lola. Maybe that's why I couldn't tell Zeke that he didn't have a part in my life anymore. The saddest part of this whole ordeal was Dallas, the boy I hated, I despised him but he was the only one I had had a real conversation with.

"Just smile and nod if anyone talks to you", Natalie said reminding me that the success of this magazine rode on this night. That's likely what she was going to do all night, just agree with what everyone said trying to form bonds and loyalties somewhere. I would personally try to make sure not a single person messed up this evening, this evening for Natalie needed to be the most unproblematic one of these parties can get.

The flashing of cameras and yelling of the reporters had me terrified and glued to my seat, it reminded me so much of the police station. I remembered feeling so bombarded as people came at me every direction taking pictures of my injuries in a hospital bed and asking me all of these questions I couldn't answer.

Natalie gripped onto my hand, somewhere lost in the madness she grabbed my hand seeing me terrified of the flashing, the yelling. She pulled me with her as the sound got louder, the flashing got brighter and her hand held onto me tighter.

It was all over in a split second and we were behind closed doors, away from the flashing, and the lively music drowned out their loud questioning. I turned to look the way Natalie was and saw the view that was in front of me, the venue had come to life. The large smile on Natalie's face let me know she was already so happy with how it had turned out.

People started crowding them as she walked in and I was soon being trampled over or crowded out. I snuck away from their group of people and made my way over to the refreshments, I just wanted a break from the sound.

And that's when he came into view, his tie was draped down his chest and his suit jacket was leaning against his back. A glass of champagne twirled in his wrist as he stared out at the dance floor, leaning up against the side of the wall.

"Hey, how are you?"Avery asked, as I eyed her outfit, she was wearing a stunning dress. And her ring wasn't the only shiny thing on her, the dress was detailed with gems, very shiny gems if I hadn't made that clear already.

Dallas took a swing at the champagne, he had the confidence to make everyone believe he was allowed to be drinking that, anyways everyone was too afraid of him he looked frightening.

"I'm good, you look absolutely gorgeous", I told her, focusing my eyes along her dress, but still keeping an eye on the boy in the background.

She told me about the process of getting her dress, the many different tailors that tried to get the dress just the way she wanted it. I wanted to pay attention but something far more interesting was happening in the background.

"Want anything to drink, I'm gonna make my rounds?", she said, taking a quiche off the platter, they definitely had interesting food being served out, hopefully all edible.

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