19: Too Many Scenarios

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The aching pain, people would imagine which would come after you kiss a guy that you like and then he regrets it. But it was not that pain that was throbbing today at least, instead it was my whole body aching from the training I had done over the past couple of weeks. When I had arrived at my perfect escape I had forgotten that I actually had to do something at this camp, which meant 5am runs, a strict diet all protein based and soccer drills, too many soccer drills. I should've picked a more peaceful escape, not three weeks of never-ending exercise.

And so as I prepared myself mentally and emotionally for school, which was mainly an excuse to see Dallas, to find out if he has a girlfriend, or something like that. Not that I wanted to be it for him, but just to know, it's nice to know these things.

I hadn't seen or heard from him ever since that horrid night, I thought back at it with a look of vulnerability, how did I let myself fall for a complete jackass? I think the feelings I had felt, the way in his voice, the fact that he has a very subtle and humbled image of how many books he has read, the feeling of him reminding me that he's still there, and just him. All of it was him, that I had noticed over the last couple of weeks, as I laid in my bunk bed with nothing but him on my mind.

In other words, my escape didn't work, the silence made it unbearable to not think about Dallas and our predicament, I had gone through every scenario, especially him kissing me harder that night after we had broken away from each other and him speaking about his feelings, running his hands through my hair as we stared out into the creek.

I prepared myself to see him again, I ran through the scenarios of that too. Him with his arm wrapped around a girl, him with his arm wrapped around Lola, very unlikely but could always go into play. I also had my guilty pleasure scenarios of him rushing up to me and admitting he should've told me that he liked me that night, or that he would just kiss me as soon as I saw him. That was also unlikely, but in my head it would always be my favorite one, a surprise kiss now that was special.

"Mel, we're leaving in 5, you are not going to be late on your first day", Natalie declared, knocking on my door as I brushed down my clothes, taking note of how my red eyes drooped, and my face looked like it had just gotten slapped. My red eyes were the result of the not so pleasant bunk beds that I had slept on every night at that horrible camp, Daniel floated into my very empty mind each night and the only thing that would shoo him away was thinking about the most dramatic thing in my life, Dallas.

I dabbed some concealer under my eyes trying to hide my sleepless face, which needed it badly. I grabbed my school bag, making my way down the stairs as Natalie stood with the keys in her hand and her yawning too.

"Big night for you?" I asked, knowing I had left a very eventful conversation last night that I wasn't to be told of, informed of in any way. They had been discussing all the things they had done when I was gone, more of all the places they had done it while I was gone. Now I was mindful of where I sat.

"I finally slept peacefully, knowing you were home. I watched Fear Street and they all got murdered at their camp, and I couldn't stop thinking about you at camp", she said, holding the large more defined bump on her stomach. After being away from her for over 3 weeks, and seeing her after, I had truly realized how much her stomach had grown.

"I think my camp is not going to follow that horror movie you watched, who let you watch horror movies anyways?" I asked, knowing that time we had tried watching them and she ended up turning it off and running to the bathroom every 5 minutes to avoid seeing anything.

"I think I'm getting scared of more real things in life, like I have babies on the way, and I've just been thinking anything could go wrong, and they'll be here then gone the next", she said, and I had known about this fear of hers for a while. She had begun to find out how to make the house for the baby, all for the baby, even my room. She made me put those plugs in my outlets as if the twins would ever be in my room, before they knew not to stick something in the outlet.

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