09: The Morning Always Comes

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The screams shattered throughout the shed, I was lost, lost in those woods as Natalie told me to run and I held onto that number in my hands, sweating so much that the ink leaked onto my own hand. I was screaming for my mom, the fragment memory of her, I just wanted to be saved, from the woods and lifted up by her angel wings.

I could feel my breath get more heavy, and my body felt like it was frozen, like I couldn't move as I let him take me again, I was crying and screaming.

I felt hands grasping onto me, but I fought them angrily, screaming at the voice. I couldn't shake their grasp it was calloused and so firm.

"Melody", he called out, and I sprung out of bed, having never heard this voice before, never in such a worried tone. It was Dallas, his face was shamed in fear and pity almost, he looked afraid.

His hands were on my back, rubbing them softly as he looked like the light had been knocked out of him, or more of me.

"I- I'm sorry," I said, trying to catch my breath and seeing that worried look on his eyes, as his eyes searched mine.

"Don't be, it's okay", he stumbled in his words, the first time that I had ever heard him turn into a nervous wreck.

"Are you okay?", I asked him, looking at his winded and terrified self, but something had told me had been through this multiple times, yet his fear factor raised every time.

"Am I okay? Are you okay?", he asked, keeping his hand still firmly on my back.

"I'm okay, I just feel sick,I ate too much", I told him falling back on the bed, but I knew he wasn't asking about my stomach, but the nightmares that had just woken him up.

"You were screaming for your mom, do you want me to get her?", he asked, and I turned my head the other way, feeling the tear slip from my eye.

"You wouldn't be able to get her", I said under my breath as he lied down back in the bed. I wish I could've saved her from dying, but I knew it wasn't that easy, death was inevitable.


"Night", his tone was different this time, it was filled with no pity, just concern.

"Mel, Mel wake up", a voice yelled from the door, and luckily I had locked it, but it was such a faulty lock that with three switches to the right it would surely open. My head pounded at the light, the noises from everything I was too tired for the morning, for everything.

Dallas was still sleeping fast asleep next to me, but I knew I didn't want to hurt him, but given she was on her second switch I couldn't wake him up gently with a sweet good morning.

I pushed him off, and that was as heartless as it as all types of curse words soar out of his mouth.

"Fucking bloody h-", he began saying as his voice was soon muffled by my hand that kept him quiet.

"Why are you sleeping in, it's 10 in the morning?", Avery asked brushing through the door as I removed my hand from his mouth and pretended I was fast asleep not that I was dealing with something else and I couldn't get to the door. That one would be hard to explain.

She went to the open the blinds as I pleaded with her not too, I begged her for humanity to not open them, but she did. And my eyes molded back into my pillow, and covering my ears from the sound.

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