59: Leaving on Our Own

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He didn't know how to survive. Somewhere along the lines I had picked it up, his life was dedicated to her, without her what would he do... who would he be? I didn't know the answer to that question, let alone any of the bundles that came from me from Natalie and Nolan. The questions became silly and nefarious, but they were curious as I packed up my belongings, waiting to see the red car that would swerve down our street, with a boy I loved and a girl with a death sentence.

"He's a good boy". Slipped out of Nolan's mouth as I hummed along the soft melody Natalie was singing in the other room to the twins. We had worked our nimble fingers, Dallas and I to allow me to go on this trip, and finally we had been victorious. I was afraid, very afraid of the consequences through and through of this moment. But they both said yes... something I hadn't expected.

"He is". I said, putting my swimsuits back into the bag as he sat on my bed, trying to find the words to conclude this moment, but I could think of none. I couldn't think of a single word that could change how I felt, completely sickened and full of nostalgia. We were celebrating a life this week, a life worth so much, yet she had a timeline, a couple of months.

"I knew his father... great writer". He said, as I nodded along. I was unsure of how to talk about Dallas's family, so much travesty had struck them. I couldn't know a single more thing about them.

"His father was beat up... by a kid. I-I didn't know what to do at the time. I was quite young, but Paris left, and I know Pete got worse. I didn't know Paris was Pete's Paris". He explained, I was still so surprised they had known each other before.

"It was Zeke". I said, interrupting him and he looked at me suddenly.

"Dallas and Zeke used to be best friends, and then Zeke beat his father up... he thought he was a homeless man. That's why Dallas hated Zeke so much". I explained, and I think for Nolan it all fit into place, he realized the reason why Dallas had hated Zeke so much, he was just defending someone he loved. There was no rivalry, no argument, just a dislike for the person Zeke had grown to be.

"Mell... they're here. Grab your bags and a baby, please". She begged as she handed one of the babies to me and I slung my backpack on my back, while Nolan took the rest of my bags down.

"Promise me you'll be safe... and don't do anything you regret. As much I love kids... I can hold out on seeing yours for a couple more years". Nolan jokes, as I understood his words loud and clear. I didn't even know if I wanted kids... I was a mess, now I wouldn't want to bring that upon someone else.

"I'm going to miss you so much". Natalie said, warning me the exact same, her tone leveling out to happiness and worry. My eyes peeked out at the door, opened wide as Vi ran straight towards me as she squealed in my arms.

"Your house is so pretty". She said, looking around as Natalie introduced her to the twins and she seemed to fit in, she liked the way Natalie doted on the twins, while Nolan twirled his finger along Arabella's small hands. It breaks my heart that she never had that, that it would be different for her and shined in another light like this.

She had the next best thing: Dallas. I met his eyes,he chose to ignore the burning in him as his sultry smile made his way over to me, bending his arm around me as he hugged me.

"Are you ready to get lost in my favorite city?" He said, leaning just to peer into my eyes as I nodded my head and looked over at him, my eyes matching his and he tried to not concede his big smile prodding through.

"I bought a map this time". I told him, pointing to my bag as he hummed softly into my ear, letting out a chuckle, only for my ears to hear as he hummed lightly. I was lost in his eyes fully, I was lost in him fully.

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