12: Something That We All Needed

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Ever since the launch party, Natalie had barely left the house. She had become too frightened of just how close she had come to risking the babies that day at the launch party. During the part, Natalie had a scare that had everyone concerned for the newly pregnant women. I knew she hadn't eaten much that day or drank enough, she had this overwhelming stress that came over her that day. I knew she had been pushing her limits that day, it was as if she had lost those boundaries that she had set with herself to protect her and the babies.

But during the party, she became squeamish and dizzy, I remembered she had rushed off the stage towards Nolan and tumbled in his arms. Nolan took her to the back carefully, we gave her water and some food and she was feeling better after that.

But the aftermath of all of that scared her the most, I think she was still so embarrassed and surprised that she had let it get so bad. But ever since then she took her bed rest the doctor had ordered for her very seriously, she hadn't even picked up the computer. She was just enjoying being at home and bothering me about my 'special friend' as she called it.

"Don't you ever get bored? Doing school in the summer?"she asked, peering over at the algebra I was doing just on the couch as she read the newest romance novel she had that didn't really seem to hold her attention. I had been doing some classes for school over the summer, just to get them over and done with. Natalie had repeatedly told me this was not the way to live life, I should be out exploring and going to the beach with my friends, but at the moment the only friend I had was Natalie.

"Algebra doesn't sound boring to you, does it?"I asked her sarcastically, and she just rolled her eyes and tried to get back into the book she was reading but she found it difficult to. She got up from the couch and wandered over to the calendar we had on the fridge, detailing out the next couple of weeks of our life.

"Look we have nothing to do next week", she said marveling at our empty schedule, Nolan always had some business trip, or business dinner, normally most of the things on the calendar were surprisingly his. He liked to give us an estimate of when he would home, always trying to come home earlier than what he said.

He was worried about Natalie , and it was that type of worry where an affirming text from her or even me wouldn't cure or even help his worries. He had to be there and see her in person just to calm his nerves. He was more stressed out most of the time than Natalie was.

"We should go somewhere", she said, almost like she had solved the world's hardest math problem. She probably thought it would solve her boredom, and mine too. I figured she had meant driving down to one of the many places the Clemente family had houses or villas.

"Like California, or we could go to Canada?"I asked, trying to understand where she meant for us to travel to and I doubted Nolan would ever let her leave, she was like Rapunzel except Natalie could actually leave and was not being held against her will, just so I make that clear.

"I was thinking Miami or Bora Bora, or the Cayman Islands", she listed them off and every place sounded only doable through a plane ride and at this point if she was supposed to be resting in bed would it even be safe to travel out of the country.

"Aren't you supposed to be staying home?"I asked her and she gave me that look of 'why did I have to ruin all the fun'. At least I was giving her an accurate example of how Nolan would react once he heard this.

"I think I can travel, and besides a small vacation wouldn't hurt, and at this point I'm in more danger of dying of boredom here", she said which at this point was the truest thing I had heard. She tried cooking the other day from an extensive cookbook that Nolan had scribbled recipes in. I was prepared to see the house go up in flames but luckily she asked me to take over after she almost put plastic in the oven. At that point I had the fire truck on stand by.

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